i am very happy. yesterday was great!
for on thing, i had my first rehearsal for the youth con. singing thing. we sound pretty darn good! its me and one other girl, and some guys from concord stake. its gonna be great. i hope someone brings a camera and tapes us....
and then i went to my first ever formal (well, semi formal) dance.
it was great.
i wore this yellow and white silk dress, with a yellow crystal moon-shaped pendent. the theme was 'under the stars'
anyway. for the first time, i was asked to dance! I've gone to other dances, just not formal ones, through church. but no one's ever asked me to dance before. until last night! his name's Brady, and he was from a different stake, Danville, i think. anyway, it was awesome. it went until 11, so I'm sleepy right now.
I'm also reading a very good book, 'the naming' from the books of pellinor. its interesting. and fantasy, of course.
anyway, more later!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
why can't i just go live on an island far away from everyone eles(with internet acsess, of course)
i am extreamly ticked off today.
you might ask why?
well, 1. im very sleepy. tcm got back yesterday, and of course, had jet lang. there are thousands of things to to at midnight, without waking up a very tierd girl in pain, but of course, he can't do any of that, oh no. he has to get up at midnight, and through out the night. but even thats not enoughm, he has to say, to himself, loudly 'i'm gonna make some nice hot chocolate' and 'walker, want some food'
as far as i know, feeding a cat and making hot choclate do not requier commentary, nor to they requir slamming already creaky bedroom doors. but i must be mistaken.
and then lits back track to 'girl in pain' why, might you ask, am i in pain? for one my anlke has been hurting like crazy for days, and for abnother, i have painful floor-burns on both knees, and elbows.
it was a YW/YM activity (church) i can't bend very far, i'm very tight. its some genetic thing. bending over, i can just touch my knees, then it hurts, badly.
so for the activity, i had to race, pushing this rollor. i thought i could do it, but i was wrong. after i fell the second time, and got hurt, the other team, made up over 12-13 year old girls, started laughing at me. i couldent stand. when i finished my turn, i limped up onto a table. the leader insisted they were 'laughing with me' but for the record, i sure as hell wasn't laughing. there are some of those girls that i could just kill. while i pressed a cold compress to one knee, one of them kept jeering at my teammates. she must think she's qeen. i told her to shut it, and she got all bratty on me 'don't talk to me like that'
well, some needs to, cuz other wise, the bay area's gonna end up with another princess amaila (dragon slippers refrence)
so theres that.
and today, tcm has the nerve to call me'evil clone' on his blog, and throse this mini-fit, which he does often enough, and storms out the door. of course, its my fault.
it allways is. cause i'm partaly deaf of something, and natraly talk loud, so everyopne hears what i sayu, but never what he says. sibling equality? oximoron.
reminder: if any part of this post angers you, though it out, carri around your burdens for nine mo nths, then complain about it to me. thats what i end up toning. heven forbid i ever complain (grounded, and a screaming at from dad.)
more later, unless i pull up enough bravery to run away and stay away for more than a few hours. though my foot would have to heal first, and thats never gonna happen.
im just really, really depressed and angery right niw, and i can't complain to my rents.
anyway, more later
you might ask why?
well, 1. im very sleepy. tcm got back yesterday, and of course, had jet lang. there are thousands of things to to at midnight, without waking up a very tierd girl in pain, but of course, he can't do any of that, oh no. he has to get up at midnight, and through out the night. but even thats not enoughm, he has to say, to himself, loudly 'i'm gonna make some nice hot chocolate' and 'walker, want some food'
as far as i know, feeding a cat and making hot choclate do not requier commentary, nor to they requir slamming already creaky bedroom doors. but i must be mistaken.
and then lits back track to 'girl in pain' why, might you ask, am i in pain? for one my anlke has been hurting like crazy for days, and for abnother, i have painful floor-burns on both knees, and elbows.
it was a YW/YM activity (church) i can't bend very far, i'm very tight. its some genetic thing. bending over, i can just touch my knees, then it hurts, badly.
so for the activity, i had to race, pushing this rollor. i thought i could do it, but i was wrong. after i fell the second time, and got hurt, the other team, made up over 12-13 year old girls, started laughing at me. i couldent stand. when i finished my turn, i limped up onto a table. the leader insisted they were 'laughing with me' but for the record, i sure as hell wasn't laughing. there are some of those girls that i could just kill. while i pressed a cold compress to one knee, one of them kept jeering at my teammates. she must think she's qeen. i told her to shut it, and she got all bratty on me 'don't talk to me like that'
well, some needs to, cuz other wise, the bay area's gonna end up with another princess amaila (dragon slippers refrence)
so theres that.
and today, tcm has the nerve to call me'evil clone' on his blog, and throse this mini-fit, which he does often enough, and storms out the door. of course, its my fault.
it allways is. cause i'm partaly deaf of something, and natraly talk loud, so everyopne hears what i sayu, but never what he says. sibling equality? oximoron.
reminder: if any part of this post angers you, though it out, carri around your burdens for nine mo nths, then complain about it to me. thats what i end up toning. heven forbid i ever complain (grounded, and a screaming at from dad.)
more later, unless i pull up enough bravery to run away and stay away for more than a few hours. though my foot would have to heal first, and thats never gonna happen.
im just really, really depressed and angery right niw, and i can't complain to my rents.
anyway, more later
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
name my pics!

here are some computer drawings i did, using paint. help me come up with names, if you want.or just look at them, i don't really care...
tell me your favorit of them, mines the middle one, how about you?
funny, i just noticed, they are all of the night sky....
dear me, OSC is stalking a bird....
anyway, more later
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
a box came in the mail, not an hour ago....
a box came in the mail today...from :JESSICA DAY GEORGE!!!!!
i know am the proud owner of one copy of 'Dragon Flight' with the words 'hi anna! i'm glad you like my books! Shardas lives!' on the title page.
can you say: "AHHHH!!"
so there i was hugging the book and jumping up and down, being even more nutso than i was at this time last year during the digi-crazy stage. most of you know what happened then, if not, picture me. now, picture me hopping up and down very, very fast. now picture me clapping my hands and spinning, while hopping up and down. add some shrieks of delight, and there you go.
oh, I'm going to represent Oakland stake at the youth confrance in july!!!!!! for the entertainment part that is. im going to sing!
today just gets better and better!
sugar cerial for breakfast, sleeping in till nine, 2 new members on a fourum i set up, kitty sitting on my bed purring, singing at the youth con, and now this!
gtg now.
anyway, more later
i know am the proud owner of one copy of 'Dragon Flight' with the words 'hi anna! i'm glad you like my books! Shardas lives!' on the title page.
can you say: "AHHHH!!"
so there i was hugging the book and jumping up and down, being even more nutso than i was at this time last year during the digi-crazy stage. most of you know what happened then, if not, picture me. now, picture me hopping up and down very, very fast. now picture me clapping my hands and spinning, while hopping up and down. add some shrieks of delight, and there you go.
oh, I'm going to represent Oakland stake at the youth confrance in july!!!!!! for the entertainment part that is. im going to sing!
today just gets better and better!
sugar cerial for breakfast, sleeping in till nine, 2 new members on a fourum i set up, kitty sitting on my bed purring, singing at the youth con, and now this!
gtg now.
anyway, more later
funny joke i found on my old webbie, starclan.
5 people were in a house, one was the mom, the other four were her kids....
"Mommy, why did you name me Rose?" one asked
"Because when you were born, a Rose petal fell on your face, Dear"
"Then why did you name me Daisy?" Asked another
"Because when you were born, a Daisy petal fell on your face, Dear"
"And why did you name me Lily?" asked a third
" Because when you were born, a-"
"DAR A DER A BLAHGA BLURGA!" wailed the last
"Don't inturupt, Cinderblock"
i know, its mean. but its funny!
"Mommy, why did you name me Rose?" one asked
"Because when you were born, a Rose petal fell on your face, Dear"
"Then why did you name me Daisy?" Asked another
"Because when you were born, a Daisy petal fell on your face, Dear"
"And why did you name me Lily?" asked a third
" Because when you were born, a-"
"DAR A DER A BLAHGA BLURGA!" wailed the last
"Don't inturupt, Cinderblock"
i know, its mean. but its funny!
Monday, June 23, 2008
list of things to ponder...
(this is a joke list. do not answer any of the questions! ok? thank you!)
If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
If a cow laughed real hard, would milk come out her nose?
If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights?
Why is it called a TV "set" when you only get one?
Why does your nose run and your feet smell?
Why does an alarm clock "go off" when it begins ringing?
Why call it a building if it's already been built?
When you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?
Do blind Eskimos heave seeing-eye sled dogs?
Do they have reserved parking for non-handicap people at the Special Olympics?
How do they get a deer to cross at that yellow road sign?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
After eating, do amphibians have to wait one hour before getting out of the water?
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
If you put a chameleon in a mirrored box what color would it change to?
If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
If you asked a librarian where the books on self help were would they tell you, or would that defeat the purpose?
If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
WalMart is lowering prices daily, how come nothing in the store is free yet?
If a turtle loses its shell is it naked or homeless?
If it is illegal to drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?
When someone says "You know what they say"... Who are they?
before the inventated drawing boards, what did they go back to?
how is it posible to have a civil war?
if all the world's a stage, where is the audience sitting?
if airline seat cusions make such great flotation devices, why don't you ever see them at the beach?
whose idea was it for the word 'lisp' to have an 's' in it?
why do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters?
why do they see hot dogs in pacages of 8 and buns in pacages of 10?
why do we wash bath towles, arn't we clean when we use them?
well, thats my list.
remember, it's a joke...
If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
If a cow laughed real hard, would milk come out her nose?
If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights?
Why is it called a TV "set" when you only get one?
Why does your nose run and your feet smell?
Why does an alarm clock "go off" when it begins ringing?
Why call it a building if it's already been built?
When you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?
Do blind Eskimos heave seeing-eye sled dogs?
Do they have reserved parking for non-handicap people at the Special Olympics?
How do they get a deer to cross at that yellow road sign?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
After eating, do amphibians have to wait one hour before getting out of the water?
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
If you put a chameleon in a mirrored box what color would it change to?
If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
If you asked a librarian where the books on self help were would they tell you, or would that defeat the purpose?
If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
WalMart is lowering prices daily, how come nothing in the store is free yet?
If a turtle loses its shell is it naked or homeless?
If it is illegal to drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?
When someone says "You know what they say"... Who are they?
before the inventated drawing boards, what did they go back to?
how is it posible to have a civil war?
if all the world's a stage, where is the audience sitting?
if airline seat cusions make such great flotation devices, why don't you ever see them at the beach?
whose idea was it for the word 'lisp' to have an 's' in it?
why do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters?
why do they see hot dogs in pacages of 8 and buns in pacages of 10?
why do we wash bath towles, arn't we clean when we use them?
well, thats my list.
remember, it's a joke...
didja notice my pretty little picture???
the one that now shows up with my name? i made it special! it is called 'the dawn(or sunset, depending) comes'
ok, so i didn't make it specially for the blog. i made it last year, when i was really, really bored. but still. i loves doing the computer art thingie....
lets see...today i
went to the podiatrist to get my foot looked at.
found out that the nearby Jonann's doesn't open for 3 weeks, so i can't get the silver embrodery thread i wanted.
went to B&N and got a copy of 'Out of the Wild'. thats the sequel to "Into the Wild', by Sarah Beth Durst. OMSC i loved it! (to go to Sarah's Blog, click on her name under 'Authors')
i almost wish it was real. the after-the-end-of0out of the wild- not before though. because ********
i won't tell you why. read the book.
i love the word 'book'
now what to tell you about???
hmmm. ok, gonna pick a random topic now...
got it!
no, i don't got it. i lied! sorry.
hmmm... ok, got it. for real.
i am going to tell you about ah... dang it i forgot. this is fun.
oh yeaH!
i finally found my lap loom, so i've been weaving like crazy. i'm almost done with ...whatever it is i've been working on...i left it uncompleated for about a year. a wall hanging, i guess. eh. anyway....
my kitty is hungery. i better go. darn cat!
anyway, more later
ok, so i didn't make it specially for the blog. i made it last year, when i was really, really bored. but still. i loves doing the computer art thingie....
lets see...today i
went to the podiatrist to get my foot looked at.
found out that the nearby Jonann's doesn't open for 3 weeks, so i can't get the silver embrodery thread i wanted.
went to B&N and got a copy of 'Out of the Wild'. thats the sequel to "Into the Wild', by Sarah Beth Durst. OMSC i loved it! (to go to Sarah's Blog, click on her name under 'Authors')
i almost wish it was real. the after-the-end-of0out of the wild- not before though. because ********
i won't tell you why. read the book.
i love the word 'book'
now what to tell you about???
hmmm. ok, gonna pick a random topic now...
got it!
no, i don't got it. i lied! sorry.
hmmm... ok, got it. for real.
i am going to tell you about ah... dang it i forgot. this is fun.
oh yeaH!
i finally found my lap loom, so i've been weaving like crazy. i'm almost done with ...whatever it is i've been working on...i left it uncompleated for about a year. a wall hanging, i guess. eh. anyway....
my kitty is hungery. i better go. darn cat!
anyway, more later
Sunday, June 22, 2008
i smell pasta
i smell red sause and pasta and yum. its time for dinner. soon. soon, but not yet.
yes, i shall be posting many times a day, because i am so very, very bored. 'read a book' my dad says.
a book?! what book? i've read everything i have at least 3 times, if not more and am sick of re-reading. the buses are stopped now, at six, so i can't ride down to the library(yeah, its open on sundays) and anyway, dad wouln't let me go out now. (even thought the sun isn't even close to setting, and i don't have any money to buy books, and even if i did, its sunday, so i can't.) and all of dads books are 'too adult' or really boring non-fiction, like about gardening or building (not that that stuff's boring, but i kinda hate non fiction so....yeah. i don't hate it, i just...really, really don't like reading it.) and all of mom's are sappy, plotless romances. and dad's using the tv to watch italian news, sooooo....im blogging.
i supposed i could re-re-re-re listen to tenis shoes among the nephites: gadiantons and the silver sword and weave, ecsept that that one kinda gives me nightmares, and i can't find any of my other tenis shoes cds, and i don't want to read them, so im sunk.
listening to them is differnt, because ... i don't know! it just is.
blogging...bloging. bloging, bloging. i should be working on TSOD or DOTW, but i just can';t. massive writers block. nothing i type seems right for them. hey, doncha just love lack of grammer? me to. not in books, but in....oh, nvm....
sooo. ahhh.
today i found out that my arms aren't long enough to reach the filter thingy at the bottom of my neighbors koi pond, which i had to change....not fun.
random letter time kgfigkbfkwg
ok, im done.
oh! really cool bumper sticker of the month: 'save the earth, it's the only planet with CHOCOLATE'
i must agree with that. *big grinn.*
only 1 month and 6 days till Sari gets back from utah. only 3 days till tcm and mom get back from wherever.
only 3 weeks till emmza gets back from paris(?) ok, not sure where emmza is at the moment (ditto mom and tcm) and not sure how long, but its somewhere around 3 weeks, right?
only 32 days till the family get togher in AZ.
hold it. thats the middle of july. i've got nothing aganist going, i love family reunions, but AZ? in JULY?! agg. im going to die. i think irs too hot by the bay! where its only 100 degrees once in about 2 years. where we get maybe two 90 degree days a year!
someone, shoot me with a water pistol? please? i'll give you candy?
lol, that reminded me of that one digimon episode, in season one when matt, tk, patamon, gaubomon and matt and tk's dad are in that raft, looking for a way through the fog, and tk says 'is anyone out there? help us!"(or something like that) cause they're lost, and gabumon says 'thats not how you do it! ' then he shouts 'is anyone out there? we'll give you anything you want, including candy'
that image just popped up in my mind.
anyway, more later!
yes, i shall be posting many times a day, because i am so very, very bored. 'read a book' my dad says.
a book?! what book? i've read everything i have at least 3 times, if not more and am sick of re-reading. the buses are stopped now, at six, so i can't ride down to the library(yeah, its open on sundays) and anyway, dad wouln't let me go out now. (even thought the sun isn't even close to setting, and i don't have any money to buy books, and even if i did, its sunday, so i can't.) and all of dads books are 'too adult' or really boring non-fiction, like about gardening or building (not that that stuff's boring, but i kinda hate non fiction so....yeah. i don't hate it, i just...really, really don't like reading it.) and all of mom's are sappy, plotless romances. and dad's using the tv to watch italian news, sooooo....im blogging.
i supposed i could re-re-re-re listen to tenis shoes among the nephites: gadiantons and the silver sword and weave, ecsept that that one kinda gives me nightmares, and i can't find any of my other tenis shoes cds, and i don't want to read them, so im sunk.
listening to them is differnt, because ... i don't know! it just is.
blogging...bloging. bloging, bloging. i should be working on TSOD or DOTW, but i just can';t. massive writers block. nothing i type seems right for them. hey, doncha just love lack of grammer? me to. not in books, but in....oh, nvm....
sooo. ahhh.
today i found out that my arms aren't long enough to reach the filter thingy at the bottom of my neighbors koi pond, which i had to change....not fun.
random letter time kgfigkbfkwg
ok, im done.
oh! really cool bumper sticker of the month: 'save the earth, it's the only planet with CHOCOLATE'
i must agree with that. *big grinn.*
only 1 month and 6 days till Sari gets back from utah. only 3 days till tcm and mom get back from wherever.
only 3 weeks till emmza gets back from paris(?) ok, not sure where emmza is at the moment (ditto mom and tcm) and not sure how long, but its somewhere around 3 weeks, right?
only 32 days till the family get togher in AZ.
hold it. thats the middle of july. i've got nothing aganist going, i love family reunions, but AZ? in JULY?! agg. im going to die. i think irs too hot by the bay! where its only 100 degrees once in about 2 years. where we get maybe two 90 degree days a year!
someone, shoot me with a water pistol? please? i'll give you candy?
lol, that reminded me of that one digimon episode, in season one when matt, tk, patamon, gaubomon and matt and tk's dad are in that raft, looking for a way through the fog, and tk says 'is anyone out there? help us!"(or something like that) cause they're lost, and gabumon says 'thats not how you do it! ' then he shouts 'is anyone out there? we'll give you anything you want, including candy'
that image just popped up in my mind.
anyway, more later!
i can't think of a title.
Mon and TCM are still across the pond, in London now.
The bump on my head from yesterday's sailing trip is practically gone, and doesn't even hurt now.
My crazy cats, who i promise I'll post pics of later, are calmer. must be the weather, they haven't tried to kill each other all summer.
Tasha is off to a sleep away camp....
So what have I been up to? updating my blog (as you know see, i have links to the webbies /blogs of some of my fave authors, and my Friends. more to come!)
And just hanging out, on other people's blogs.
One of my fave authors, Sarah Beth Durst, has a section of her blog where she posts obscure or not-so-obscure fairy tales, with commentary. Check them out, they are very much worth it! I read one of them, "Jack my Hedgehog'' (Anyone heard of it? besides Q, who I know has?) out loud to me dad, who thought it was very funny. I thought it was very funny too, and I swear I heard my kitty purring, but that might have been the bottle of kitty treats i was holding, so......
hmm, here is.. whats that word? oh forget it! here is a tiny bit of Daughter of the Waves. enjoy
"I was running, running, my heart pounding in my ears, in the soles of my bare feet. ‘Get away, get away!’ my only thought, reverberating. Who was I running from? Shapeless forms, nameless phantoms, nightmares. They were chasing me. I was inside, a dark, old house. I ran, and ran. i heard waves on the side of the house, lapping gently. My feet burned, my lungs were on fire, but still I ran, down the hall, up the creaky wooden stairs. A door blocked me, it was locked! i kicked it in, or tried to. Not even a dent! I turned and saw my attacker, and I screamed.
I woke with a jolt. The dream had been so real, my heart was still beating fast. as i headed down stairs, i saw something out of the corner of my eye. A shadow...."
just a rough draft. whaddya think?
anyway, more later
The bump on my head from yesterday's sailing trip is practically gone, and doesn't even hurt now.
My crazy cats, who i promise I'll post pics of later, are calmer. must be the weather, they haven't tried to kill each other all summer.
Tasha is off to a sleep away camp....
So what have I been up to? updating my blog (as you know see, i have links to the webbies /blogs of some of my fave authors, and my Friends. more to come!)
And just hanging out, on other people's blogs.
One of my fave authors, Sarah Beth Durst, has a section of her blog where she posts obscure or not-so-obscure fairy tales, with commentary. Check them out, they are very much worth it! I read one of them, "Jack my Hedgehog'' (Anyone heard of it? besides Q, who I know has?) out loud to me dad, who thought it was very funny. I thought it was very funny too, and I swear I heard my kitty purring, but that might have been the bottle of kitty treats i was holding, so......
hmm, here is.. whats that word? oh forget it! here is a tiny bit of Daughter of the Waves. enjoy
"I was running, running, my heart pounding in my ears, in the soles of my bare feet. ‘Get away, get away!’ my only thought, reverberating. Who was I running from? Shapeless forms, nameless phantoms, nightmares. They were chasing me. I was inside, a dark, old house. I ran, and ran. i heard waves on the side of the house, lapping gently. My feet burned, my lungs were on fire, but still I ran, down the hall, up the creaky wooden stairs. A door blocked me, it was locked! i kicked it in, or tried to. Not even a dent! I turned and saw my attacker, and I screamed.
I woke with a jolt. The dream had been so real, my heart was still beating fast. as i headed down stairs, i saw something out of the corner of my eye. A shadow...."
just a rough draft. whaddya think?
anyway, more later
Saturday, June 21, 2008
i went sailing today.
i went sailing. it was fun. i sat at the prow of the 28 foot boat, and road the waves. it was windy, and rough, but beautiful.
i saw a pilot whale! it was very cool. well, it was hot out, but thats besides the point.
i got some great writting ideas out there, and am pleased with what i wrote while eating lunch on angel island.
on the way back, i hit my head on the boom. ow!
it doesn't hurt much now though, so im cool.
not much eles to say. later i'll post a pic, maybe....
anyway, more later
i saw a pilot whale! it was very cool. well, it was hot out, but thats besides the point.
i got some great writting ideas out there, and am pleased with what i wrote while eating lunch on angel island.
on the way back, i hit my head on the boom. ow!
it doesn't hurt much now though, so im cool.
not much eles to say. later i'll post a pic, maybe....
anyway, more later
Friday, June 20, 2008
tonight is a very special night
Tonight is Midsummer. The Solstice. A night of mythological powers. A night of magic. Of demons, of Faeries. Of other worlds......the air smells warm, of flowers and the forests. Change is all around tonight... I can feel it in my Soul.
be aware of the world tonight, and be careful. though by the time you read this, it'll be tomorrow, so either my warning 'll have been wasted, or you're up rather late, aren't you.
OK, enough of the fantasy novel junk, possibly. my rock climbing class is over, though i didn't quite conquer my fear of heights. i ache all over, and am so tired, and yet alert at the moment, although that may be because its so hot out, and bugs are everywhere. but aside from that, every where is soft, and still, and silent.
I've gotten a bit farther on my first person story, titled simply 'a story' though I'm trying to think of a more fitting name, something like 'Daughter of the Waves'. I like that. I think I'll stick with that, Daughter of the Waves, or DOTW for short. One less thing on my mind.
now, what to tell about. My good friend, Tasha, from Sweden, is here now, so I'm less bored than before. and tomorrow I'I'm going sailing! I plan to use that experience in DOTW, somehow.
TCM and Mom are still across the pond, in England somewhere. I've been helping Dad with the house, little things mostly, holding up a beam here or there(they made my arms ache though, they were heavy!) or bringing tools.
And each day, I find a bit of time to sit at the comp, and type TSOD or DOTW, while listening to the music of the AMV and tributes on my playlist on you tube. (very well made they are. some even make me cry!)
but anyway, more later
be aware of the world tonight, and be careful. though by the time you read this, it'll be tomorrow, so either my warning 'll have been wasted, or you're up rather late, aren't you.
OK, enough of the fantasy novel junk, possibly. my rock climbing class is over, though i didn't quite conquer my fear of heights. i ache all over, and am so tired, and yet alert at the moment, although that may be because its so hot out, and bugs are everywhere. but aside from that, every where is soft, and still, and silent.
I've gotten a bit farther on my first person story, titled simply 'a story' though I'm trying to think of a more fitting name, something like 'Daughter of the Waves'. I like that. I think I'll stick with that, Daughter of the Waves, or DOTW for short. One less thing on my mind.
now, what to tell about. My good friend, Tasha, from Sweden, is here now, so I'm less bored than before. and tomorrow I'I'm going sailing! I plan to use that experience in DOTW, somehow.
TCM and Mom are still across the pond, in England somewhere. I've been helping Dad with the house, little things mostly, holding up a beam here or there(they made my arms ache though, they were heavy!) or bringing tools.
And each day, I find a bit of time to sit at the comp, and type TSOD or DOTW, while listening to the music of the AMV and tributes on my playlist on you tube. (very well made they are. some even make me cry!)
but anyway, more later
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
yeah, yeah, im back.
hey readers.
lets see... i had my first two rock-climbing classes. i was terfified the first one, but today was cool. we climbed up at indian rock, near my house, and i got to know some of the campers better. one of the little ones, who thankfully still belives in cooties, has taken to calling me ' mole rat' but after i hugged him and said how much i loved the nickname, he quit doing it.
what else?
right now, im blogging, and listening to a song 'never alone' by barlow girl. its so beautiful, and since i'm listening to it via youtube, i have connected the song with Bluestar.(thats how warriorcats obsessed i am) then again, i also conect it with ken from digimon, so there goes that.
i'm also typing up a random mind story. it has no title, but i like it thus far. the name of the main character is nerida, which means 'water' in some language, i think. it's in first person, which i haven't written in, not fantasy anyway, so its a new thing for me, and i rather like it.
anyway, more later
lets see... i had my first two rock-climbing classes. i was terfified the first one, but today was cool. we climbed up at indian rock, near my house, and i got to know some of the campers better. one of the little ones, who thankfully still belives in cooties, has taken to calling me ' mole rat' but after i hugged him and said how much i loved the nickname, he quit doing it.
what else?
right now, im blogging, and listening to a song 'never alone' by barlow girl. its so beautiful, and since i'm listening to it via youtube, i have connected the song with Bluestar.(thats how warriorcats obsessed i am) then again, i also conect it with ken from digimon, so there goes that.
i'm also typing up a random mind story. it has no title, but i like it thus far. the name of the main character is nerida, which means 'water' in some language, i think. it's in first person, which i haven't written in, not fantasy anyway, so its a new thing for me, and i rather like it.
anyway, more later
Sunday, June 15, 2008
cartoons i loved.
on another trip down Saturday morning lane, i discovered a list from a long time ago, of the TV shows i wanted to see on one Saturday morning, years ago, it must have been.
the mummy cartoon
there were others, but the pencil is dull and faded and smeard.
i had forgotten about that mummy cartoon, till now.
i'd love to see it again, i think. i remember it barely, but not much.
i think i'll go see that new mummy movie, but first, i'll have to see the first two.
i'll see if they'er on you tube.....
or maybe not.
hmmm. oh!
i forgot, i finished reading 'dragon slippers' out loud to my mom, yesterday, be fore she left for scotland.
we got to the exciting part, and she didn't want me to stop, and i didn't want to stop either. i must have read....lets see, 155 pages!
wow. i can't wait to read the next one. creel is sooo cool.
i had a dream last night, and one of the good guys, who was being framed, was called shardas,like the dragon.
hmmm. i saw 'mosters inc' with my dad yesterday, it was fun....
that reminds me, i finaly saw 'seeker, the dark is rising' it was soooo cool!
i liked it better than the book, because the book was dense and oldish, and strange. it was ok, but the movie was wayyy differn't, and i liked it better.
thats all for now.
anyone have any movie sugestions?
anyway, more later
the mummy cartoon
there were others, but the pencil is dull and faded and smeard.
i had forgotten about that mummy cartoon, till now.
i'd love to see it again, i think. i remember it barely, but not much.
i think i'll go see that new mummy movie, but first, i'll have to see the first two.
i'll see if they'er on you tube.....
or maybe not.
hmmm. oh!
i forgot, i finished reading 'dragon slippers' out loud to my mom, yesterday, be fore she left for scotland.
we got to the exciting part, and she didn't want me to stop, and i didn't want to stop either. i must have read....lets see, 155 pages!
wow. i can't wait to read the next one. creel is sooo cool.
i had a dream last night, and one of the good guys, who was being framed, was called shardas,like the dragon.
hmmm. i saw 'mosters inc' with my dad yesterday, it was fun....
that reminds me, i finaly saw 'seeker, the dark is rising' it was soooo cool!
i liked it better than the book, because the book was dense and oldish, and strange. it was ok, but the movie was wayyy differn't, and i liked it better.
thats all for now.
anyone have any movie sugestions?
anyway, more later
Saturday, June 14, 2008
my first post since school's out
i feel so free.
but i have nothing much to post.
though that hasn't stopped me before.
true, very true.
gasp, i remember.
they did something horrid.
something dispicable.
they. cut. down. The. Swing.
The Swing was the best swing ever, a longe blue rope, hanging from a tree on the side of a hill, so that when you swing( by sitting/standing in the two loops knotted at the end) the ground just flies away from you. it was amazing, wonderful. i would swing for hours, composing songs, writting poetry.
chapter two of my novel was written there, hanging it the Swing...sort of. the idea for chapter two. you get the point.
my friend haley, who i don't get to see often, showed it to me. we've kinda drifted apart, but the Swing still brings back memories. and now...its gone.
i feel so sad and angery...the Swing was public property.
and, truth be told, if the city took it down, then they have time on their hands, time they could use to fix the creek arcoss from my house so it doesn't flood the stupid street every winter.(they say its fixed, but i don't believe them.)
but yes. my friends. The Swing is Dead. a moment of silence for the lost memories.
anyway, more later
but i have nothing much to post.
though that hasn't stopped me before.
true, very true.
gasp, i remember.
they did something horrid.
something dispicable.
they. cut. down. The. Swing.
The Swing was the best swing ever, a longe blue rope, hanging from a tree on the side of a hill, so that when you swing( by sitting/standing in the two loops knotted at the end) the ground just flies away from you. it was amazing, wonderful. i would swing for hours, composing songs, writting poetry.
chapter two of my novel was written there, hanging it the Swing...sort of. the idea for chapter two. you get the point.
my friend haley, who i don't get to see often, showed it to me. we've kinda drifted apart, but the Swing still brings back memories. and now...its gone.
i feel so sad and angery...the Swing was public property.
and, truth be told, if the city took it down, then they have time on their hands, time they could use to fix the creek arcoss from my house so it doesn't flood the stupid street every winter.(they say its fixed, but i don't believe them.)
but yes. my friends. The Swing is Dead. a moment of silence for the lost memories.
anyway, more later
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
a few random you tube vids...
a few, randomanna you tube favorites. some are stupider than others.
"Evil Robot Mousie of Doom"
this is a movie i made, actully. its very lame, but then, i was my second movie, and made by me and a 10 year old, after lots of sugar and candy, late at night. everythings fun after a bowl of chocolate ice cream, am i right?
"shotgun song"
this is one mr. mike told me to watch. so i did. its just plain strange, and funny.
the end is very cool.
"making Feinds, episode 1"
another mr. mike recomendation. very catchy theme song. very funny.
have fun.
im gonna go read 'princess ben'
anyway, more later
"Evil Robot Mousie of Doom"
this is a movie i made, actully. its very lame, but then, i was my second movie, and made by me and a 10 year old, after lots of sugar and candy, late at night. everythings fun after a bowl of chocolate ice cream, am i right?
"shotgun song"
this is one mr. mike told me to watch. so i did. its just plain strange, and funny.
the end is very cool.
"making Feinds, episode 1"
another mr. mike recomendation. very catchy theme song. very funny.
have fun.
im gonna go read 'princess ben'
anyway, more later
four hours left
of school.
two more finals, math and spanish. not so haliluja.
i've got a packed ish next few weeks, what with tome and mom heading off to rainy ole scotland, my rock climbing class(trying to overcome my fear of hights. next summer, maybe i'll try to over come my fear of swmming with my head underwater....)
taking care of the neighbor's koi pond, and anothor's mail...
sheet rocking with my dad...
summer is in the air....
birdsong, bay leafs, bumble bees, no school, the stupid cat climing out the window...yep, it summer!
i'll post again soon, assuming i live through my spanish final
anyway, more later
two more finals, math and spanish. not so haliluja.
i've got a packed ish next few weeks, what with tome and mom heading off to rainy ole scotland, my rock climbing class(trying to overcome my fear of hights. next summer, maybe i'll try to over come my fear of swmming with my head underwater....)
taking care of the neighbor's koi pond, and anothor's mail...
sheet rocking with my dad...
summer is in the air....
birdsong, bay leafs, bumble bees, no school, the stupid cat climing out the window...yep, it summer!
i'll post again soon, assuming i live through my spanish final
anyway, more later
Monday, June 9, 2008
no one can steal my wallet now!
hee, hee, hee.
im sitting at the school comp, because my class's watching a rated 'r' movie. blood diamond, i think.
anyway, i spent about 45 min on Y!A(yahoo! answers) being random, and then started blogging.
i might miss school. starclan, i never thought id say that! only 3 1/2 more days!
on to a topic. hmm...
well, i think...
mind stories. yes, i'll tell you all about mindstories.
well, you probably know what they are. they are stories i tell myself, but almost never another living soul, about. some have only original characters and ideas, like the stones of destiny. or the one about pella, the girl with the pebble.
but most are fanfics, or semi fanfics.
sometimes i read a book,or see a movie, but taking my own characters, i re-make it in my head, using a tiny outline, sometimes more, of the plot. sometimes i just take characters from digimon, or whatever book/tv show/movie.
its nice, doing that. my own plot, but ready made characters, friendships..etc
but they are always in my head. 3 of then, just three, have been written, or at least started to be written. the stones of destiny, the amulet(all orig) and nico, a story using the tinist bit of the movie, 'here come the littles'.
i scraped the last two, but the first one im still working on...
at the moment, im doing a digimon story, with a classic plot i use in about 1/4 of all digimon fanfics(in my head) with myself as a girl 'pella', a friend of the digidestind... yeah, im crazy. still, its pretty good, one of my best.
don't expect to see it though...my stories are, for the most part, written only by the pen of dreams, on the notebook of my head.
starcan, did i say that? it sounds so corny!
anyway, more later!
hee, hee, hee.
im sitting at the school comp, because my class's watching a rated 'r' movie. blood diamond, i think.
anyway, i spent about 45 min on Y!A(yahoo! answers) being random, and then started blogging.
i might miss school. starclan, i never thought id say that! only 3 1/2 more days!
on to a topic. hmm...
well, i think...
mind stories. yes, i'll tell you all about mindstories.
well, you probably know what they are. they are stories i tell myself, but almost never another living soul, about. some have only original characters and ideas, like the stones of destiny. or the one about pella, the girl with the pebble.
but most are fanfics, or semi fanfics.
sometimes i read a book,or see a movie, but taking my own characters, i re-make it in my head, using a tiny outline, sometimes more, of the plot. sometimes i just take characters from digimon, or whatever book/tv show/movie.
its nice, doing that. my own plot, but ready made characters, friendships..etc
but they are always in my head. 3 of then, just three, have been written, or at least started to be written. the stones of destiny, the amulet(all orig) and nico, a story using the tinist bit of the movie, 'here come the littles'.
i scraped the last two, but the first one im still working on...
at the moment, im doing a digimon story, with a classic plot i use in about 1/4 of all digimon fanfics(in my head) with myself as a girl 'pella', a friend of the digidestind... yeah, im crazy. still, its pretty good, one of my best.
don't expect to see it though...my stories are, for the most part, written only by the pen of dreams, on the notebook of my head.
starcan, did i say that? it sounds so corny!
anyway, more later!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
boy are we in trouble!
60 million are retired.
That leaves 140 million to do the work.
There are 85 million in school. Which leaves 55 million to do the work.
Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government.
Leaving 15 million to do the work.
2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden.
Which leaves 12.2 million to do the work.
Take from that total the 10.8 million people who work for state and city
Governments. And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.
At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals.
Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.
Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons.
That leaves just two people to do the work.
You and me.
And there you are,
Sitting at your computer, reading my blog
Nice. Real nice.
(keep in mind, this is a joke i found on Y!A, a very intertaining way of waisting time. read the stupid thing, don't take it to heart, and please, in the name of starclan, DO NOT start lecturing me. thankyou.)
anyway, more later
That leaves 140 million to do the work.
There are 85 million in school. Which leaves 55 million to do the work.
Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government.
Leaving 15 million to do the work.
2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden.
Which leaves 12.2 million to do the work.
Take from that total the 10.8 million people who work for state and city
Governments. And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.
At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals.
Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.
Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons.
That leaves just two people to do the work.
You and me.
And there you are,
Sitting at your computer, reading my blog
Nice. Real nice.
(keep in mind, this is a joke i found on Y!A, a very intertaining way of waisting time. read the stupid thing, don't take it to heart, and please, in the name of starclan, DO NOT start lecturing me. thankyou.)
anyway, more later
big bear
big bear.
brown, three feet tall. no longer whiskers on his black plasic nose.
my protector.
my teddy.
going through the basement, i found it. my childhood toy, once owned by cousins before me, now mine. then mine.
every frightening movie ever watched in my house, i watched with him. every tv show where it wasn't always happy, i watched with him. every lonly night, i slept with him.
last year, during that huge, 4 :30 am quake? the one that was real close to where i live, when i was home alone? big bear was there.
i'm in a reminsing moode today, remembering childhood. it wasn't that long ago, i suppose, but it feels like ages.
i remember furby
and one saturday morning cartoons
i remember digimon
and pokemon, when they were 'in'
i remember before the world became obsessed with HSM, twillight, and gossip girl.
if only life was that simple now. i wish.
if only all the things i fear, then monsters and bumbs in the night, now bigger things, like natural disasters, the war, global warming, could be ended by hugging big bear close, breathing in the sent of memories, days long ago.
msn, this started so happy!
why must everything make me so depressled! even digimon does it now!. i need some chocolate. wanna come with?
anyway, more later
brown, three feet tall. no longer whiskers on his black plasic nose.
my protector.
my teddy.
going through the basement, i found it. my childhood toy, once owned by cousins before me, now mine. then mine.
every frightening movie ever watched in my house, i watched with him. every tv show where it wasn't always happy, i watched with him. every lonly night, i slept with him.
last year, during that huge, 4 :30 am quake? the one that was real close to where i live, when i was home alone? big bear was there.
i'm in a reminsing moode today, remembering childhood. it wasn't that long ago, i suppose, but it feels like ages.
i remember furby
and one saturday morning cartoons
i remember digimon
and pokemon, when they were 'in'
i remember before the world became obsessed with HSM, twillight, and gossip girl.
if only life was that simple now. i wish.
if only all the things i fear, then monsters and bumbs in the night, now bigger things, like natural disasters, the war, global warming, could be ended by hugging big bear close, breathing in the sent of memories, days long ago.
msn, this started so happy!
why must everything make me so depressled! even digimon does it now!. i need some chocolate. wanna come with?
anyway, more later
Friday, June 6, 2008
a yahoo answer
i was hanging out on yahoo, when i saw this question, and this answer.
What impressed you most about Anne Frank? Explain.?
The fact that she doesn't give up hope in mankind. The quote, "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.", made me think. I don't think could have gone through what she did and still believe that mankind even had hearts. It makes me sad, to think about how much damage man has done. Anne is an insperation to us all, an example. I know that we can not change her story's end, no matter how hard we would hope. But we can keep it from ending like that again,for someone else, if only the world would listen to a girl wise beyond her years, to the words that she wrote. If only. Spread the word, maybe we can help the dreams of so many come true. Maybe we can't, but we can push it a little closer, a little nearer, just like Anne.
I long for a world without hate.
Peace, Love,Hope, and all that good stuff.
another answer said:
Her good heart. I love the journal entry in which she says, "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart." It made me cry.
Anne Frank was wise beyond her years. She seems like such a sweet and intelligent person. She seems so... good. Some of my absolute favorite quotes come from Anne Frank.
I love the fact that she was always so optimistic... that she still held on hope. That she was purehearted enough to be able to see the good in a horrible situation.
this touched me, and i hope it made you think.
it makes me feel joyful, and depressed, all at once.
i need to post something light hearted now!
anyway , more later
What impressed you most about Anne Frank? Explain.?
The fact that she doesn't give up hope in mankind. The quote, "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.", made me think. I don't think could have gone through what she did and still believe that mankind even had hearts. It makes me sad, to think about how much damage man has done. Anne is an insperation to us all, an example. I know that we can not change her story's end, no matter how hard we would hope. But we can keep it from ending like that again,for someone else, if only the world would listen to a girl wise beyond her years, to the words that she wrote. If only. Spread the word, maybe we can help the dreams of so many come true. Maybe we can't, but we can push it a little closer, a little nearer, just like Anne.
I long for a world without hate.
Peace, Love,Hope, and all that good stuff.
another answer said:
Her good heart. I love the journal entry in which she says, "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart." It made me cry.
Anne Frank was wise beyond her years. She seems like such a sweet and intelligent person. She seems so... good. Some of my absolute favorite quotes come from Anne Frank.
I love the fact that she was always so optimistic... that she still held on hope. That she was purehearted enough to be able to see the good in a horrible situation.
this touched me, and i hope it made you think.
it makes me feel joyful, and depressed, all at once.
i need to post something light hearted now!
anyway , more later
there shall be no title.
im only blogging because i is bored.
i watched 'passage to zarahemla' btw, awsome movie. i mean it, amazing. you mormons, go watch it. unless you already have.heck, you non mormons, go watch it. its that good.
what else did randomanna do today?
i read. i read some more.
i wrote some emails.
i pondered deep thoughts on my novel, wondring how in the name of starclan i was going to resolve a certain point. my cousin and friend, emmza, gave me some ideas, but with my writting, who knows?i let the ideas flow. i don't stick to a basic, already thought out plot. i know how it ends, i know how it starts, but what happens on the way, not even i know!
i think my characters do, but they haven't told me what comes next in their story in , what, a week? well, thismorning during photo, karanna told me part of the next chapter, but then se stopped. i swear, that cat (yes, karanna, i know you hate being called that, deal wit it) is so stuborn.
but anyway.
i rode my bike, i cleaned my--, no, i did not clean my room, oops, i should go to that. but this is more fun. i pet y kitty(lucy) and she licked my chicken bone....
i sat and stared out the window, at the trees,at the sky, at a humming bird, who i named pikachu.
then i thought happy thoughts about my new room, and all the bookshelfs its going to have. then i felt depressed, although i can't think why.
then i hugged big bear, and then i...got on the comp,and here i sit, blogging.
im going to go now...i think i'l read ..no, i'm too sleepy.
anyway, more later
im only blogging because i is bored.
i watched 'passage to zarahemla' btw, awsome movie. i mean it, amazing. you mormons, go watch it. unless you already have.heck, you non mormons, go watch it. its that good.
what else did randomanna do today?
i read. i read some more.
i wrote some emails.
i pondered deep thoughts on my novel, wondring how in the name of starclan i was going to resolve a certain point. my cousin and friend, emmza, gave me some ideas, but with my writting, who knows?i let the ideas flow. i don't stick to a basic, already thought out plot. i know how it ends, i know how it starts, but what happens on the way, not even i know!
i think my characters do, but they haven't told me what comes next in their story in , what, a week? well, thismorning during photo, karanna told me part of the next chapter, but then se stopped. i swear, that cat (yes, karanna, i know you hate being called that, deal wit it) is so stuborn.
but anyway.
i rode my bike, i cleaned my--, no, i did not clean my room, oops, i should go to that. but this is more fun. i pet y kitty(lucy) and she licked my chicken bone....
i sat and stared out the window, at the trees,at the sky, at a humming bird, who i named pikachu.
then i thought happy thoughts about my new room, and all the bookshelfs its going to have. then i felt depressed, although i can't think why.
then i hugged big bear, and then i...got on the comp,and here i sit, blogging.
im going to go now...i think i'l read ..no, i'm too sleepy.
anyway, more later
Monday, June 2, 2008
this post is going to be another rant.
first: last week some ...JERK STOLE MY WALLET, with about 25 bucks,a target gift card, my library card, and some notes about my novel. the school has done nothing, but then, they did nothing when someone broke into my locker and stole about 100$ worth of library/school material, and there is a camera pointed RIGHT at my locker. anna is not amused.all i have to say is, i am SO NOT paying for that math book.
then, yesterday, im typing my novel, chapter nine. im really getting into it, adding spur of the moment stuff..and stop saving every five minutes. then,after like,3 hours, i click 'no' after 'do you want to save!' aggg!so i am very upset at myself, and the school. and the comp too, because it won't let me get on any conforums sites, so i can't go on my new book review thing i made, or my old 'starclan' i is in a bad mode today. i need chocolate.
and a package i was expecting still hasn't come. and no matter how hard i look, i cant find the movie 'masterminds' not online, not at blockbuster,not at the library, not even netflicks !!!!
anyway, more later
first: last week some ...JERK STOLE MY WALLET, with about 25 bucks,a target gift card, my library card, and some notes about my novel. the school has done nothing, but then, they did nothing when someone broke into my locker and stole about 100$ worth of library/school material, and there is a camera pointed RIGHT at my locker. anna is not amused.all i have to say is, i am SO NOT paying for that math book.
then, yesterday, im typing my novel, chapter nine. im really getting into it, adding spur of the moment stuff..and stop saving every five minutes. then,after like,3 hours, i click 'no' after 'do you want to save!' aggg!so i am very upset at myself, and the school. and the comp too, because it won't let me get on any conforums sites, so i can't go on my new book review thing i made, or my old 'starclan' i is in a bad mode today. i need chocolate.
and a package i was expecting still hasn't come. and no matter how hard i look, i cant find the movie 'masterminds' not online, not at blockbuster,not at the library, not even netflicks !!!!
anyway, more later
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