Thursday, March 19, 2009

hello. hello. hello. polly wanna cracker?

yes, i do want a cracker. or a candy bar.. but a cracker'd be fine.

hello again to all my friends..wait- that sounds like.. OH NO I'M BARNEY! RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!
well, hi. it is tursday. it is sunny. so why am i in a funk? my tire got punctured. i'm hungry. i'm sleepy. mom's got a student over. the library says i owe them money- they forget to check things in all the time, darn them. ugg.

now, lets se what''s tomorrow- test. quiz. test. COUSINS!!! yes, the cousins are comming and life will be amazing. tomooorow will be my day( or the univers is gonna be sorry.)

other good thinks about today:
JOEJerk hasn't touched me since i shouted at him in the halls to 'never touch me again you creep' win.
and i have speaker for my MP3 player now- i is happy. and my hw is done, though i thought it'd take me all afternoon. and there is a cat on my lap... little goose.
hey, everyone, there is now a calender on B.B.W, with mentions of books comming out. check it. it has the dates and everything!

also today-
i finnished a reall creepy book- like 'day after tomorrow' creepy. called 'life as we knew it' go read it- i'll do a B.B.W review for it in a week or so. but i'm going to keep a diary/journal for good this time, and not lose it. i'll use the one i got for my b-day, from jenni.. see, i won't spoil anything, but one character tells another in it ' we may not have a future, but no one can deny we have a past."
plus, why not leave something for postarity to read, aside from poems. maybe in 100 years, it'll be quoted in some history or liturature text book. now thats an idea- do you think anyone who ever recoreded their thoughts ever thinks that?
anyway, more later!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pics from Prom

this sign was outside the building- good thing we were in a mini cooper!
Here's Genun and me - his tie is in binary- it says 'Ties suck. ' Don't we look awesome?
here's me! i feel like Mia from Princess Diaries- just, wow! Heather MV from my chuch did my hair and make up, and i felt so beautiful.. i kinda look like snow White!

next post: more pics! promise!