Friday, February 8, 2008

What a day..and its only 8 am!!!

oh my starclan, this was the most exiting seminary lesson thus far. not because of what we studied, but beacuse of what HAPPENED!!!

i coughed, and layna fell to the ground with a shriek of 'nooo! i don't wanna get sick!'
zary imediatly (yes, i know i can't spell...the spellcheck thing is STILL not working...) Stated 'now, that can't be MY fault.
causing laughter.....
later, TCM through a shoe, and i sat on it.
layna started screaming again...
five minutes later, a police car showed up in the parking lot.....oops!!!
later, we all went to school.
genun, zary, tony, tcm, my dad and i all had to fit in the 5 seater and tcm up front, the rest of us squezed into the back. the order went like this: tony, me, genun, zary.
zary pretened to die multiple times. by the time we got to school, tony's latest comment had us all laughing.
'the police man came because he wanted our cheerios!'
even now, i'm still laughing......

in other news: tomorrow i am going sledding.
today my BI-POLAR EVIL SPANISH TEACHER FROM HELL is making us chocolates......i think its poisend. if i die, Emmza, you and laralu can have my stuff....use my notes and finish my novel!

speaking of my novel, i am still almost done with page i have been for a month or more.....stupid writers block!
a big 'i'm sorry' to Mr. Mike...i was not myself today....

anyway, more later


Anonymous said...

Correction, the police man came for my cheerios, not yours. Your cheerios where all infected.

Vincent Malmrose said...

lol, did she even get any? probably did. Also daedalus did you even get any? I thought you were asleep.
BTW AnnaDee, if you want help writing I haven't published anything and haven't written as much as you so I could help a bit. Just an offer to help.
BTW I'm tired and sleepy so if this post doesn't make any sense just ask latter. heh kind of like the word verification ... lol

Anonymous said...

Yes i did get some, although i did just eat them... and yes your post makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Anthony's jokes do not make me laugh, they usually are not funny but sarcastic and rude :(. He bothers me. So even though this one may be funny I'm not laughing. He can go dig a hole and live in it!!! :D