Tuesday, February 12, 2008

the weekend: what happend.

Friday: evil Spanish teacher, you know the drill.
Saturday: 6:00 am: get up to go up to the mountains on a church youth sledding trip.
11: 00 had fun. nicole video taped me coming down the hill, catching air, and then a face full of snow.
3:00. we get in the car to go home.
4:00 we stop, traffic.
4:30 we find out that we are stuck behind an accident, complete with two overturned cars, two helicopters, 4 ambulances and at least 3 police cars.
7:00 we continue on our way.
7:15 i begin to feel pain in my shoulders
7:30 we eat dinner at a kfc
8:00 i begin to feel severe pain in my way upper chest, wrists, shoulders and elbows.
10:00 i get home, the pain so bad, i'm crying.
10:30 i take a hot shower, the pain feels a bit better.
11:00 the pain returns, i try to sleep
12:00 my screaming (of pain) wakes up mom, i take a bath, the pain stays gone.
mom lets me and tcm stay home from church, pain reduced to stiffness in arms.
dad said it was a reaction from all the sun....

i begin redcording exactly what i hate about THE EVIL SPANISH TEACHER FROM HELL.
i also half-faint in math. one day im going to have a mental breakdown, i know it. i'm going to fail Spanish class, and if i fail...ugg.
shayla told me that even if i fail i'll still get into collage, i'll just have to pay for the whole thing. i'm not speaking to her. she doesn't get that maybe my family doesn't have $4000 a week saleries. (yes, spell check STILL won't work)

that was my weekend, and monday.

nothing new today....
anyway, more later

1 comment:

Vincent Malmrose said...

I hope you feel better now. I wonder what could have cause the pain it seems a bit of a violent reaction for just the sun. And coming from me ... But that seems the only thing possible because anything else would have happened much earlier.
Also spell check does work for me so I wonder whats wrong with your comp. There is no spell check in the comment post however :(