Thursday, February 7, 2008

is it ONLY thursday?

sigh...why can't it be saturday?
and i cheated on my thing on spanish istory in spanish.
i used babel -fish translation. SHE HAS NOT TAUGHT US THE WORD "WAS" so how can i do a report on spain's history? my very crappy spanish dictionary was no help. but you know something? I DON"T CARE IF I GET 100 F's. SHE STINKS!!!!
ok, ranting done.

uh, lets see...genun and zary were back at we learnd about king Saul trying to kill soon to be King David.
it was fun. the lesson is this :
DONT HANG OUT WITH ANYONE WHO WANTS TO KILL YOU. i guess david was paying attention to what happend to samson....hee hee.

layna found out that genun was a little ill . she went a wee bit nuts 'don't breath on me!!!' to which zary resonded 'Genun, stop breathing'
layna lay down on the floor after that, and i told everyone :' i'm so blogging this.'

i am no longer doing ZARY"S OR GENUN"S FUNNY SHIRT.
some times they don't wear funny shirts. now im just doing

today's funny shirt was ZARY'S
it said, DO OR NOT DO ,THERE IS NO TRY. in computer code.
thats what made it funny
anyway, more later.


Vincent Malmrose said...

BTW layna didn't lay down on the floor, she fell off her chair and forgot to sit up...
Also Zary's shirt said:
$DO || ! $DO : try
try: command not found

hope to correct you more later :)

AnnaDee said...

i said it was in computer code!

Vincent Malmrose said...

not quite good enough :D buwahaha muwahahaha

Anonymous said...

Genun is right!I FELLLLL to the floor! Lol. "I'm sooo blogging this"=Anna's infamous phrase that informs us when our actions or eventful seminary experiences will show up on her blog.