Tuesday, February 5, 2008

uh..is today tuesday?

today layna informed the rest of seminary that she no longer liked the vampire books. go figure. (EDIT!! i misunderstood. she likes the books, but is mad at somthing that happened....sorry layna!)
even i lasted more than 24 hours with my toyko-mew-mew obbsesion, my shortest lived obbsession thus far. ( note: for some reason, the spell check is not working. please excuse my miss-spellings. thank you)
in other news: today is SUPER TUESDAY!!!!
in uhm. celebration, mr. mike wore a tie with the words of the presidental oath of office on it
uh..let me see.
unless i get a spanish-english dictionary at lunch,guess who gets another F?
not to mention that i forgot my film for my photo class at home. at least i took the pics!

today zary's shirt read :
jonny was a chemists' son, but jonny is no more
what he though was H2O was H2SO4
this brought on a discusion about dyhydrogen monoxide...and the army base that banned it....
once again, sorry about my spelling...
anyway, more later.


Nikki said...

Encontrabas un dicionario de espanol? No quiero que recibas otra f.

Te quiero! (That means I love you, by the way - not 'I want you').

I've been practicing my spanish because we're going to Mexico next week.

AnnaDee said...

lucky! sadly, i don't understand a word you just said.....

AnnaDee said...

i was wrong. layna dislikes one of the ppl IN the book, not the book as a whole. i apologize.