i posted! with stuff to say! i read the second hunger games. for anyone over the age of at least 14 who has not read it, go. read. it. now!!! it is awesome, if a bit creepy. the author is Suzanne Collins.
i tried to post a picture from the book here, but i failed... oh well! i discovered how to print Facebook Flair, so yay me.
i found some awesome stuff.
the librarians are my buds! i spent close to 30 min talking to the children's libarians yesterday. :)
ok, i'm gonna go do homework now.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
hey, it has been less then a week!
woot, i made my goal!
ok, so...
i am starting school in 2 days...
and i wrote another page of daughter..
and my cat is getting fatter by the day
i discovered flair on facebook...
and i really have nothing more to say, so thats all for now
ok, so...
i am starting school in 2 days...
and i wrote another page of daughter..
and my cat is getting fatter by the day
i discovered flair on facebook...
and i really have nothing more to say, so thats all for now
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
whats this? anna blogs?
hello, hello hello, it's always hello! and then good bye, good bye.
that was one of my fave lines, from the one act i was in a few weeks ago. ' Englsh made simple' it was fun!
so i'm back, and will try to blog weekly now! of course, i will also be keeping my room clean, and writing in my journal everyday, as well as doing homework, so some of my somewhat ambitiousness to lazy me resolutions will possibly get broken.
some updates on my life!
i will soon begin the 11th grade- i am only looking forward to this a little, because, as Nida puts it - school is school.
speaking of Nida- my character- i wrote yet another page of Daughter Of the Waves today. i hope to write at least that much every week, so today's accomplishment was very happy. although TCM accused me of basing Nida on myself, it was easy(ish) to deny such accusations- for one thing, i look nothing like Nida, and wouldn't want to, not really. for another, nida is a good artist, and a slow reader. for a third, she hardly ever speaks her mind- she is quiet. and lastly, she lacks an annoying brother. so there, tcm.
as most of you by now know, i am in a relationship, and loving every minute of it :)
last Saturday, Genun and i went to the church dance- Hawaiian themed, and had a blast. i even made leis for the occasion.
i am taking a Cert class- when i am done, i will be certified to help the community during catastrophes and disasters. i will be much better prepared for whatever might occur, and i will no what to do in many situations- not 'what to do ' as in 'wait for help'- but 'what to do' as in "be the 'help'". this is good, because i have a 'anything that can go wrong, might go wrong right this second' mindset. when the packing list says ' small first aid kit' i through in a monster of a kit with no less than 72 band aids, among other things. i am woried though, as even though bhs has have about 40 fire drills in the last two years, we have not had an earthquake drill...and experts agree that we are in for a big quake sooner rather than later.
i also discovered my hidden talent for making earring- a strange thing, seeing as my ears remain hole-les, an i cannot wear them. i am considering setting up an Etsy shop ( or getting mom to set one up for me) - opinion on this?
my room is clean! down to the last drawer. it feels good.
last but not least, the Anna Library is now open! thanks to Nicole, i now have a home library set- book cards and all. anyone who has my books( and has had them longer than a few weeks), let me know so i can record who has what! i believe several hard covers are floating around somewhere, and would hope to get them all back in one piece. one of the many Things of Importance, such as my character profile book- that have gone to missing items land, includes the notebook i used to keep track of book stuff!
thank you!
that's all for now
Anna Out
that was one of my fave lines, from the one act i was in a few weeks ago. ' Englsh made simple' it was fun!
so i'm back, and will try to blog weekly now! of course, i will also be keeping my room clean, and writing in my journal everyday, as well as doing homework, so some of my somewhat ambitiousness to lazy me resolutions will possibly get broken.
some updates on my life!
i will soon begin the 11th grade- i am only looking forward to this a little, because, as Nida puts it - school is school.
speaking of Nida- my character- i wrote yet another page of Daughter Of the Waves today. i hope to write at least that much every week, so today's accomplishment was very happy. although TCM accused me of basing Nida on myself, it was easy(ish) to deny such accusations- for one thing, i look nothing like Nida, and wouldn't want to, not really. for another, nida is a good artist, and a slow reader. for a third, she hardly ever speaks her mind- she is quiet. and lastly, she lacks an annoying brother. so there, tcm.
as most of you by now know, i am in a relationship, and loving every minute of it :)
last Saturday, Genun and i went to the church dance- Hawaiian themed, and had a blast. i even made leis for the occasion.
i am taking a Cert class- when i am done, i will be certified to help the community during catastrophes and disasters. i will be much better prepared for whatever might occur, and i will no what to do in many situations- not 'what to do ' as in 'wait for help'- but 'what to do' as in "be the 'help'". this is good, because i have a 'anything that can go wrong, might go wrong right this second' mindset. when the packing list says ' small first aid kit' i through in a monster of a kit with no less than 72 band aids, among other things. i am woried though, as even though bhs has have about 40 fire drills in the last two years, we have not had an earthquake drill...and experts agree that we are in for a big quake sooner rather than later.
i also discovered my hidden talent for making earring- a strange thing, seeing as my ears remain hole-les, an i cannot wear them. i am considering setting up an Etsy shop ( or getting mom to set one up for me) - opinion on this?
my room is clean! down to the last drawer. it feels good.
last but not least, the Anna Library is now open! thanks to Nicole, i now have a home library set- book cards and all. anyone who has my books( and has had them longer than a few weeks), let me know so i can record who has what! i believe several hard covers are floating around somewhere, and would hope to get them all back in one piece. one of the many Things of Importance, such as my character profile book- that have gone to missing items land, includes the notebook i used to keep track of book stuff!
thank you!
that's all for now
Anna Out
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
peacock feather
i lied. this has nothing to do with said peacock feather. at all.
it does concern a vague bit about camp, something i never thought i'd do, and my little pony with fangs.( aka, edward cullen)
camp was great- and fun. very fun. a 5th year, i had no over night hikes, just a 'short' one, in yosemite. very pretty. and the girls and leaders- we all floated down the merced river. i jumped of a bridge. we saw a bear. i wrote poems, and neglected my journal. robbie the toy mouse made friends.
more on camp later.
thing i never thought i'd do
i have a facebook. it was fun. i friended ppl. i became the 65th fan of Sarah beth durst.
my little pony with fangs.( aka, edward cullen) ( TWILIGHTERS< GO AWAY NOW!!!!)
i know i don't need to go into my twilight feelings. you all know them. if you don't, well, this should help!
here are the limericks i promised a month ago!
There once was a girl known as Bella,
Who fancied a pale-looking fella,
But they'd never have fun,
Coz when out in the sun,
He'd carry a bloody umbrella.
There once was a vampire named Cullen -
A boy so depressingly sullen...
So I hammered a stake
(When he wasn't awake)
In his heart, and then hammered his skull in!
Well vampires, we know, tend to dine
On blood and the like, that’s all fine –
But then, hold on a minute!
That’s bloody dumb, innit?
Since when do they sparkle and shine?!
that's all i got limerick wise, but now for the best part.
anyone no where i can get that shirt- the one that says ' and then buffy slayed Edward. the end"? cos this made me want one
it does concern a vague bit about camp, something i never thought i'd do, and my little pony with fangs.( aka, edward cullen)
camp was great- and fun. very fun. a 5th year, i had no over night hikes, just a 'short' one, in yosemite. very pretty. and the girls and leaders- we all floated down the merced river. i jumped of a bridge. we saw a bear. i wrote poems, and neglected my journal. robbie the toy mouse made friends.
more on camp later.
thing i never thought i'd do
i have a facebook. it was fun. i friended ppl. i became the 65th fan of Sarah beth durst.
my little pony with fangs.( aka, edward cullen) ( TWILIGHTERS< GO AWAY NOW!!!!)
i know i don't need to go into my twilight feelings. you all know them. if you don't, well, this should help!
here are the limericks i promised a month ago!
There once was a girl known as Bella,
Who fancied a pale-looking fella,
But they'd never have fun,
Coz when out in the sun,
He'd carry a bloody umbrella.
There once was a vampire named Cullen -
A boy so depressingly sullen...
So I hammered a stake
(When he wasn't awake)
In his heart, and then hammered his skull in!
Well vampires, we know, tend to dine
On blood and the like, that’s all fine –
But then, hold on a minute!
That’s bloody dumb, innit?
Since when do they sparkle and shine?!
that's all i got limerick wise, but now for the best part.
anyone no where i can get that shirt- the one that says ' and then buffy slayed Edward. the end"? cos this made me want one
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Extra, Extra, music in the mind, Drives girl insane! read all about it!
it is quite another to have them play over and over and over in your heard without being able to stop them, singing/whispering/humming along... and that is what i am doing.
it was never this 'bad' with 'les miz' and even the wonderful ' double digits' only stuck with me 2 days( i only saw it once, though)
by the way, if you search 'double digits' on you tube, 3 of the songs/scenes have started to appear! you can now watch the songs ' oh no!' ' limbo/butterfly' and 'rejected' with their scenes. how cool is that? more will be comming soon i hope.
back to what i was saying, Newsies has taken over my mind! i know OWN it on DVD, and have memorized two of the songs. " Seize the day' and 'Once and for all'( you can see the songs on youtube, although the quality is bad)
so if you hear me huming random tunes or saying something about 'five thousand fists in the sky' or 'proud and defiant, we'll slay the giant' or something about 'santa Fe ' the know that it comes from Newsies.
i've seen it, oh, half a dozen times. and a pic of david is my phone's wallpaper( from the Seize the Day scene, no less)
now to get Once and For all as my ring tone.. hee hee
Carrying the Banner!
Anna Out
it was never this 'bad' with 'les miz' and even the wonderful ' double digits' only stuck with me 2 days( i only saw it once, though)
by the way, if you search 'double digits' on you tube, 3 of the songs/scenes have started to appear! you can now watch the songs ' oh no!' ' limbo/butterfly' and 'rejected' with their scenes. how cool is that? more will be comming soon i hope.
back to what i was saying, Newsies has taken over my mind! i know OWN it on DVD, and have memorized two of the songs. " Seize the day' and 'Once and for all'( you can see the songs on youtube, although the quality is bad)
so if you hear me huming random tunes or saying something about 'five thousand fists in the sky' or 'proud and defiant, we'll slay the giant' or something about '
i've seen it, oh, half a dozen times. and a pic of david is my phone's wallpaper( from the Seize the Day scene, no less)
now to get Once and For all as my ring tone.. hee hee
Carrying the Banner!
Anna Out
Monday, July 13, 2009
I'm back...and still singin'
i returned from a family reunion last night!the three day event was for my mom's side of the family, and i had lots of fun hanging out with my fave cousins- you know who you are guys!
the ocean tried to kill me, i discovered that i am allergic to the sun( if i stay out for more than 2 hours) i lost all of my gameboy/ds games:( and almost had a nervous break down during the Scottish skit i had several huge roles in, but on the bright side, i with the aid of Emmza, Magpie and Mouse, discovered a musical that is now on my list of favorite things.
the little known 1992 Disney musical 'Newsies' wasn't very well received- it was the first live action musical in quiet some time, but it is nonetheless wonderful.
staring Christian Bale, David Moscow, Robert Duvall and Bill Pullman, it tells the story of the 1899 'Newsies( boys who bought papers ( at two for a penny) and the sold them on the streets of New York for a penny)' Strike. It follows the story not only of the strike, but of the kids/teens who led it-( fictional characters begin here) Jack, an orphan who longs to leave new york( and his past) and live in Santa Fe, David the oldest boy in his family, who along with little brother Les, must work to support his family after his father's accident in a factory and subsequent unemployment. the two boys band together to fight when the prices they must pay for the papers go up- as they already barely make it, this tenth of a penny will be the end for them- with Jack as the brawn, face and general leader of the strike, and David as the voice of reason and brains behind Jack.
the movie has some great songs, most of which are currently stuck in my head, the best of which are 'The World Will Know', 'Seize the Day' and 'Once and for All'. it is one of the most inspiring musicals i know of, and being the nut that i am, i make instant connections with les miz.
for example, over the course of the film, we learn that Jack once was arrested( during the film he is 17) for stealing a small amount of food, and attempted escapes from 'the refuge' .
we also lean that his name, Jack Kelly, is an alias for something else( like Valjean's ' M. Madeline)
the song 'the world will know is almost like a cross between les miz's 'do you hear the people sing', and 'red and black'. the opening song, carrying the banner, is similar to 'look down', and in general, just like many mizzie songs, the songs of Newsies( by the man who wrote the songs for beauty and the beast, and the little mermaid) make me want to rise up and sing along, and shake a fist for good measure.
if you haven't seen it, i recommend watching it- it is available on DVD, through net flicks and Amazon.
on this same note, if you enjoyed it, try reading the book 'Uprising' by M. P. Haddix, the story of three very different girls all connected to the Mill workers Strike and later the Mill Fires of 1910- the worst work place disaster in America aside from 9/11.
i leave you with a final quote.
Anna Out
the ocean tried to kill me, i discovered that i am allergic to the sun( if i stay out for more than 2 hours) i lost all of my gameboy/ds games:( and almost had a nervous break down during the Scottish skit i had several huge roles in, but on the bright side, i with the aid of Emmza, Magpie and Mouse, discovered a musical that is now on my list of favorite things.
the little known 1992 Disney musical 'Newsies' wasn't very well received- it was the first live action musical in quiet some time, but it is nonetheless wonderful.
staring Christian Bale, David Moscow, Robert Duvall and Bill Pullman, it tells the story of the 1899 'Newsies( boys who bought papers ( at two for a penny) and the sold them on the streets of New York for a penny)' Strike. It follows the story not only of the strike, but of the kids/teens who led it-( fictional characters begin here) Jack, an orphan who longs to leave new york( and his past) and live in Santa Fe, David the oldest boy in his family, who along with little brother Les, must work to support his family after his father's accident in a factory and subsequent unemployment. the two boys band together to fight when the prices they must pay for the papers go up- as they already barely make it, this tenth of a penny will be the end for them- with Jack as the brawn, face and general leader of the strike, and David as the voice of reason and brains behind Jack.
the movie has some great songs, most of which are currently stuck in my head, the best of which are 'The World Will Know', 'Seize the Day' and 'Once and for All'. it is one of the most inspiring musicals i know of, and being the nut that i am, i make instant connections with les miz.
for example, over the course of the film, we learn that Jack once was arrested( during the film he is 17) for stealing a small amount of food, and attempted escapes from 'the refuge' .
we also lean that his name, Jack Kelly, is an alias for something else( like Valjean's ' M. Madeline)
the song 'the world will know is almost like a cross between les miz's 'do you hear the people sing', and 'red and black'. the opening song, carrying the banner, is similar to 'look down', and in general, just like many mizzie songs, the songs of Newsies( by the man who wrote the songs for beauty and the beast, and the little mermaid) make me want to rise up and sing along, and shake a fist for good measure.
if you haven't seen it, i recommend watching it- it is available on DVD, through net flicks and Amazon.
on this same note, if you enjoyed it, try reading the book 'Uprising' by M. P. Haddix, the story of three very different girls all connected to the Mill workers Strike and later the Mill Fires of 1910- the worst work place disaster in America aside from 9/11.
i leave you with a final quote.
"All it takes is one Voice. that becomes a hundred, and then a thousand, unless it is silenced"-Brian Denton, played by Bill Pullman
Anna Out
Saturday, July 4, 2009
AAA- not just on tv! and aliens too.
the vampires are gonna have to wait. this is more important.
so last night, i went to a concert with mom and dad- they were playing down by the water- there were fireworks and all( on the third!) and it was cool. they did some stuff from beauty and the beast, west side story and sound of music- and some patriotic stuff too. they actually asked everyone to sing along- i did!
at around 10, we started for home, but decided to stop for ice cream. we did, but then couldn't get the car to start- something was wrong with the 28 year old key. it was worn down, and we had no spare. just then, lo and behold, apeared a AAA guy, who had stopped for coffee!
you know those ads, right? on tv? were the car runs out of gas, late at night, and then there is a knock at the window, and its a AAA guy? i thought that was all just stupid tv gimmicks. but it happened for real! they guy gave my mom and me a ride to our house, to get a spare key for the car( half way there dad dod something with a screwdriver that MR AAA had recomended, and got the car working.)
cool, huh?
i also bought 4 fantasy novels at The Other Change of Hobbit, a local fantasy sci fi book store.
that was my day.
today, well, this morning i saw the last half of Ibndapendace day, which caused me to go into Bruce Coville is AMAZING mode. if you've seen indapendance day, and read any of BC's sci fi stuff( i recomend the ' aliens ate my homework' quartet, as well as the short story 'in our own hands') you will know what i'm talking about.
'in our own hands' does make some good points, though, and it is more on par with the subject of freedom, the world has a whole, choosing, so on and so forth
Anna Out
so last night, i went to a concert with mom and dad- they were playing down by the water- there were fireworks and all( on the third!) and it was cool. they did some stuff from beauty and the beast, west side story and sound of music- and some patriotic stuff too. they actually asked everyone to sing along- i did!
at around 10, we started for home, but decided to stop for ice cream. we did, but then couldn't get the car to start- something was wrong with the 28 year old key. it was worn down, and we had no spare. just then, lo and behold, apeared a AAA guy, who had stopped for coffee!
you know those ads, right? on tv? were the car runs out of gas, late at night, and then there is a knock at the window, and its a AAA guy? i thought that was all just stupid tv gimmicks. but it happened for real! they guy gave my mom and me a ride to our house, to get a spare key for the car( half way there dad dod something with a screwdriver that MR AAA had recomended, and got the car working.)
cool, huh?
i also bought 4 fantasy novels at The Other Change of Hobbit, a local fantasy sci fi book store.
that was my day.
today, well, this morning i saw the last half of Ibndapendace day, which caused me to go into Bruce Coville is AMAZING mode. if you've seen indapendance day, and read any of BC's sci fi stuff( i recomend the ' aliens ate my homework' quartet, as well as the short story 'in our own hands') you will know what i'm talking about.
'in our own hands' does make some good points, though, and it is more on par with the subject of freedom, the world has a whole, choosing, so on and so forth
Anna Out
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
of Fridays, Robots, German Unicorns and Demon Stalker Ninja Squirrels
now, i ask myself, what is the point of me promising to write more often if i don't?
i kept meaning to blog, but then i was distracted by some really great fanfics, both of the digimon and the transformers variety. there is a list of faves located in my ff profile( hedgi naysomay aisling)
on to the promised subjects!
last Friday, Genun and i went to see the new Transformers movie- and it was spectacular. lots of action, romance, places that look really cool( like Petra, which i think is even cooler than pyramids, so there)some unanswered questions answered at long last, new questions formed, great plot, a set up for a third film, and of course, because no action/sci fi flick is complete without- explosions. does this say bad things about me? i'm fairy certain it does :)
before the movie Genun and i hug out at teen Games( at the local library) where we tied for last place in Apples to Apples- it was very fun. my fave part was when the green card was 'sexy', and low and behold, what was in my hand but 'vampires'! not that i think vampires are sexy, but hey, i won the card, didn't i? on the subject of which, next post i have some Anti-Twilight limericks.
then we got crepes and wantons, and saw the movie- during which my bike, my beloved, if cheap, small and heavy bike was stolen. a blessing in disguise, really, because now i can get a bike that i can ride without kneeing myself in the nose every time i pedal- anyway- then we got ice cream, and that was my awesome friday.
as most of you know i am a Fantasy Freak, and thus have a deep love for unicorns! as a kid, my fave book was 'Sarah's Unicorn'( by, and i olny just discovered this- none other than Bruce Coville!) my fave movie was 'the last unicorn', follwed by my litle pony( because most of them were unicorns. keep in mind, i'm at that moment like 5- unicorns were my life)
even now, if you look at my colection of fantasy it is like this- dragon, unicorn, fairy tale- unicon, dragon,dragon, unicorn, fairy tale, fairy tale, fablehaven, unicorn, unicorn..... and on and on. well, i also have a deep love of 'the last unicorn's soundtrack, and when i got my MP3, i was happy- i could finaly get the songs! only sone of the best ones, like 'walking Man's Road' and 'In the Sea' arn't avablable online... so i looked every where for the CD. as it turns out, it ONLY came out in GERMANY!!! the lyrics are still in English, but.. so i ordered it on Amazon, and it came to day- "Das Letzte Einhorn". i have already listend to it 2 times.
yesderday, Genun and i met for ice cream, and sat out under a larhge tree on the campus green, just talking and jokeing.. when a SQUIRREL came out of nowhere, perched inches from our heads on the tre. we told it to shoo, but the thing just wouldnt, so we moved to a differnt tree. it followed us, begging for food..and it kept following us, darting around like a little ninja! it was cute and all, but it i mean, it IS a wild animal, and it just would not leave us be! we finaly diched the trees, and it still came very close until i made a demon-be-gone cross with my fingers, out of fun.. and only then did it leave.. i feel certain it was watching us though.. nut-for-brains little guy!
well, there is a little fawn outside right now, so i am going to end my postso i came stare at it and say 'awwww, cute!' every few minutes.
i kept meaning to blog, but then i was distracted by some really great fanfics, both of the digimon and the transformers variety. there is a list of faves located in my ff profile( hedgi naysomay aisling)
on to the promised subjects!
last Friday, Genun and i went to see the new Transformers movie- and it was spectacular. lots of action, romance, places that look really cool( like Petra, which i think is even cooler than pyramids, so there)some unanswered questions answered at long last, new questions formed, great plot, a set up for a third film, and of course, because no action/sci fi flick is complete without- explosions. does this say bad things about me? i'm fairy certain it does :)
before the movie Genun and i hug out at teen Games( at the local library) where we tied for last place in Apples to Apples- it was very fun. my fave part was when the green card was 'sexy', and low and behold, what was in my hand but 'vampires'! not that i think vampires are sexy, but hey, i won the card, didn't i? on the subject of which, next post i have some Anti-Twilight limericks.
then we got crepes and wantons, and saw the movie- during which my bike, my beloved, if cheap, small and heavy bike was stolen. a blessing in disguise, really, because now i can get a bike that i can ride without kneeing myself in the nose every time i pedal- anyway- then we got ice cream, and that was my awesome friday.
as most of you know i am a Fantasy Freak, and thus have a deep love for unicorns! as a kid, my fave book was 'Sarah's Unicorn'( by, and i olny just discovered this- none other than Bruce Coville!) my fave movie was 'the last unicorn', follwed by my litle pony( because most of them were unicorns. keep in mind, i'm at that moment like 5- unicorns were my life)
even now, if you look at my colection of fantasy it is like this- dragon, unicorn, fairy tale- unicon, dragon,dragon, unicorn, fairy tale, fairy tale, fablehaven, unicorn, unicorn..... and on and on. well, i also have a deep love of 'the last unicorn's soundtrack, and when i got my MP3, i was happy- i could finaly get the songs! only sone of the best ones, like 'walking Man's Road' and 'In the Sea' arn't avablable online... so i looked every where for the CD. as it turns out, it ONLY came out in GERMANY!!! the lyrics are still in English, but.. so i ordered it on Amazon, and it came to day- "Das Letzte Einhorn". i have already listend to it 2 times.
yesderday, Genun and i met for ice cream, and sat out under a larhge tree on the campus green, just talking and jokeing.. when a SQUIRREL came out of nowhere, perched inches from our heads on the tre. we told it to shoo, but the thing just wouldnt, so we moved to a differnt tree. it followed us, begging for food..and it kept following us, darting around like a little ninja! it was cute and all, but it i mean, it IS a wild animal, and it just would not leave us be! we finaly diched the trees, and it still came very close until i made a demon-be-gone cross with my fingers, out of fun.. and only then did it leave.. i feel certain it was watching us though.. nut-for-brains little guy!
well, there is a little fawn outside right now, so i am going to end my postso i came stare at it and say 'awwww, cute!' every few minutes.
Monday, June 22, 2009
i had a creative title.. but i lost it.
ah! its 3:10 on a Monday afternoon, and I'm home, not at school waiting for the bell to ring as the history teacher firmly states that we can't go till the bell has rung, because it is SUMMER! I've only been out of school for a week, but it feels like ages.. already i've written four reviews for the teen reading program( see below ad), gone swimming, gotten sunburned, written a page and a half of Daughter-, decided that Nida's mom is a city parks planner, and that the town she lives in needed a wooden, closed-forever- dilapidated boat house. and a haunted bike rack. and a small but fuzzy kitten to be named whatever it types on a keyboard. it was fun. i've also read at least a dozen books, including: the newest Maximum ride book( Max), a strange mystery/adventure called 'locked in'( a gift for entering the teen reading program, see below add) and a handful of Nancy Drew- Hardy Boy super mysteries, which are about 15 years old, and i got very cheep at the local half price.
mom and i finished reading, The Hunger Games( it's about the 12 time i've read it') and when we were done i was just in tears, not just because of the story , but because it was over. i do this on a regular bases, you must understand. i can not wait until the next one comes out. i also just read 'the book theif' everyone needs to read it. everyone.
we( mom and i) also began reading 'dragon spear' fun fact- in the book there is a minor character named 'Pella". i have several 'Pellas' in my list of characters in stories, mind stories and fanfictions list. there isn't a connection, but it still made me feel happy. this is, of course, coming from the girl who shrieked with glee upon discovering Mimi Lastnamestartswitha-T-andhasa-W from digimon listed as an editor in the school paper's joke edition.
i also watched several movies, including the first transformers movie( in anticipation for seeing the next one this Friday night, something that makes my reaction to mimi's name seem like nothing, that is how excited happy i am) a couple of Disney channel things, that were actually pretty good( Dadnapped and Hatching Pete.) and a movie from the 70's called war games- it was really good, intense and creepy.. i recommend it, even if just to giggle over how dated the computers are. computers are a huge part of the movie, for anyone who hasn't seen it. as in, really huge.
last post was my 13th of this year, i just realized. 13 is the magicaest number of them all!
anyway, i think i'm going to read some fanfiction now.
more later
mom and i finished reading, The Hunger Games( it's about the 12 time i've read it') and when we were done i was just in tears, not just because of the story , but because it was over. i do this on a regular bases, you must understand. i can not wait until the next one comes out. i also just read 'the book theif' everyone needs to read it. everyone.
we( mom and i) also began reading 'dragon spear' fun fact- in the book there is a minor character named 'Pella". i have several 'Pellas' in my list of characters in stories, mind stories and fanfictions list. there isn't a connection, but it still made me feel happy. this is, of course, coming from the girl who shrieked with glee upon discovering Mimi Lastnamestartswitha-T-andhasa-W from digimon listed as an editor in the school paper's joke edition.
i also watched several movies, including the first transformers movie( in anticipation for seeing the next one this Friday night, something that makes my reaction to mimi's name seem like nothing, that is how excited happy i am) a couple of Disney channel things, that were actually pretty good( Dadnapped and Hatching Pete.) and a movie from the 70's called war games- it was really good, intense and creepy.. i recommend it, even if just to giggle over how dated the computers are. computers are a huge part of the movie, for anyone who hasn't seen it. as in, really huge.
last post was my 13th of this year, i just realized. 13 is the magicaest number of them all!
anyway, i think i'm going to read some fanfiction now.
more later
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hi!* looks around *
is everyone there? is anyone there?
i mean, i know it's been ages since i blogged. i'm a bad blogger! i admit it! ah ha!
so.. school is out. summer's here. i've already entered a thing at the library, speaking of which:
so, yeah... it was amazing!i also read some great books. *hint*bookbatsworld *hint* i promise i'll be more active! so far, summers been pretty nice. i got a pool pass, so every couple days, i plan on biking up the hill to the pool, swimming, then zooming down o the library!
i've also gotten a lot of work done on character development for one of my stories, Daughter of the waves. i really like my characters!
well, it's time for me to go eat. leave a review at the beep.
i mean, i know it's been ages since i blogged. i'm a bad blogger! i admit it! ah ha!
so.. school is out. summer's here. i've already entered a thing at the library, speaking of which:
so, yeah... it was amazing!i also read some great books. *hint*bookbatsworld *hint* i promise i'll be more active! so far, summers been pretty nice. i got a pool pass, so every couple days, i plan on biking up the hill to the pool, swimming, then zooming down o the library!
i've also gotten a lot of work done on character development for one of my stories, Daughter of the waves. i really like my characters!
well, it's time for me to go eat. leave a review at the beep.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Double Digits
everyone here knows that i love les miz, right?
well, it is no longer my fave musical!
last night, i saw the fourth showing of the BHS spring musical, Double Digits.
now, don't g to google- it most likely won't be there - yet.
the musical was written by two BHS seniors- dialogue, music, everything. and it was amazing. stunning. beautiful.
when the drama teacher told us about it, all she really said was 'it is about fifth graders, dealing with the trails of being between 'kid' and 'teen', suffering 'pointless' tests, and there is an abusive power at the school'.
so i thought- it'll be like Matilda, only with less psychic powers and older kids.
how wrong i was.
what i saw was not Matilda... it was like Candy shop war meets After meets Return from Witch Mountain meets bar code tattoo. but with fifth graders.. ok, so the kids are 5th graders in candy shop wars.. yeah, ok... (spoilers alert!!! this is review mixed with what happens!!!)
the main character is Annie- played by a friend of mine who was perfect for the role- a girl who is the classic teacher's pet. shy, studious, uncomfortable around other kids, striving to get into a prestigious private school near by. the first so is 'limbo, one of the best, although each song is stirring and wonderful. on the fist day of school, annie laments having to go to a school where 'they're all just kids', while other students talk about making something of themselves, and the transition between single digits, and being ten.
then the bell rings, ending the song.
right away, a pop quiz is passed out. just after, dashul, a returning fifth grader after flunking spanish, enters. he is seated next to annie :)
meanwhile, the principal discovers she slept in, and the secretary, the yappy, hyper, sunnshine-y betty sue, yammers on and on. Principal K realizes her ex, the prinipal of the local, prestigous school for gifted students, has been named principal of the month.
after school, the janitor sings about having to clean up, but being intrested in the brain, and hiw it works.
at annies house
annie learns she has been rejected from the school, even though she has strived for years to be perfect. following the letter, the song 'rejected' plays, wherein future annie tells the young girl that her life was destroyed because she was rejected- she fell in with the wrong crowed, took up smoking, dropped out, had a child, became a prostitute. in dispare, annie runs from the house- knocking over dashul, who scolds her for not carring, and only thinking about school, rather than appreciating whats around her. he mentions he had come to ask for tutorinfg, but after the heated discussion, he leaves. Annie calls him back, asking if friday would work. he agrees, smiling.
friday rolls around, and the two sit studying( yes, they do study!) when annie's pinky brushes Dashuls, starting the song 'oh no!'( they start to show that they each have a crush on the other) which ends with dashul blurting out the question, " annie, will you be my girlfriend?" to which she squeaks 'ok!'
at the same time, the preppy, popular girl, Victoria, calls Dashul's house, as she has already spoken about how she has a crush on him to her gang of wannabes. she is heartbroken to learn he is doing homework at 'some girls house' in the scene, we also see that dashul's home life is the opposite of annie's- while her parents pressure her to be the best, his father is a bum and his waitress mother constantly insults her husband, and neither seem to expect their son to do anything with his life.
on monday morning, the test scores are announced- with very few exceptions, the were awful.the teacher displays one student( duke) 's bubble sheet- he has spelled out 'poop' the class thinks this hilarious, and they begin to re-take the test
Principal Kathleen gets a call from the school board- if the test scores do not go up, she will be fired. then, mr. weedmore, the afore mentioned ex and principal of the month, calls, and gloats in her face, angering her. thus begins the song, desperate measure() my other favorite) ( this song is very similar to les miz's 'one day more')
while kathleen sings about how desperate measures must be taken, and frets, she comes up with a plan, and orders betty sue to get the janitor, and Duke.
duke has been plotting with his friends about how to get into the girls bathroom. she brings both to the office, where the janitor preforms some sort of operation by this time, school is out, and students gather on the steps. the popular girls sing about nail polish( i like pink, blue is better, blue is for boys, pink is for girls) victoria sings that she is going to live the life she wants. dashul and annie sing in spanish/english respectively as they study. one student, dressed in a cape, says, as he bashes super heroes together that 'no one's gonna boss me around this year' all the songs inter twin, with a slightly melancholy tone
kathleen's voice then takes over as she repeats the opening of the song, then stops, asking duke, who is sitting up strait, a series of questions, ending with a repeating decimal number question. it is clear he has become robotic.
everyone repeats their part of the song, and the music fades.
the next day, duke is acting strange, but everyone is too caught up in themselves- even annie- to notice. dashul alone sees something is wrong, causing him to shout at the class for not noticing that somethig is wrong. the teacher yells at him, and dashul and annie fight- she just wants him to sit down, and behave, but he refuses to stop until the class sees that duke isn't acting like duke- even at a 'butt' joke he doesn't laugh. storming out, dashul overhears walter- the janitor, telling kathleen he only has enough equipment to 'do' one more student. kathleen gives him money, telling him to get anything he needs, she wants half the school changed by christmas. as he leaves, Dashul confronts him, after which the janitor grabs him, and they preform the operation on him.
annie goes to visit dashul, to apologize for the way she acted when he was right, but he, now robotic, brushes her off saying that he was at fault, and he needs to do his math. she pleads with him to tell her what happened, and he responds with the crypic phrase- ask the janitor. annie cries, but is comforted by peter the insect boy.
end of act one.
act two opens with a play ground scene, wherein everyone is dressed the same, and speaks in a monotone., repeating song lyrics like 'sara and jonny sitting in a tree' ' one two buckle my shoe' and 'down by the banks of the hankey pankey' it is one of the creepiest parts of the play.
slowly, the last three students- Annie, Peter and Victoria emerge, and are filled with fear, wishing it was all a dream.
they take a test, and are worried. annie decides she needs to find out what happened , and she and peter sneak out of class, surprising the janitor. annie recalls what dashul told her, and begins to question him, at which point he breaks down and confesses- he thought it was for the greater good, and didn't know it would make them emotionless.
later at annies house, the four meets, and victoria asks why the should trust her," you're just like them" annie gets angry and insists that she isn't, and feels bad because she gas no friends,. at last, they agree on a plan. but after the meeting, victoria calls up kathleen, saying there is something she has to say.
during the next day's test, annie, victoria and peter sneak out- peter is sent to find walt and then get the kids out of class, one by one, so walt came do the reverse operation. Annie and victoria go to stop betty sue and kathleen. they jump betty sue, tying a potato sack around her, and proceed to the principals office, where annie triumphantly declares that it is over, the students have won, she ( kathleen) is out numbered, at which point victoria, holding a jump rope, hows her true side, and ties up annie. kathleen reveals that she knew all about the plan, and pulls a bound walt up from behind her desk. while victoria sits to the side, kathleen speaks about how she didn't want yo have to change annie- she was her star pupil, but she has no choice now. walt declare he will not do the operation, and kathleen says that he is 'just a janitor- expendable' very afraid, annie struggles to free herself, while kathleen gloats over her title as principal of the month. suddenly, peter appears, saying he couldn't find walt- the panics. as betty sue and kathleen attempt to seize him, he pulls a vial from his pocket, uncapping it. it contains a powerful spider venom that makes the two women hallucinate , and faint. peter then unties the captives, and walt laments about how his tools were destroyed- there is no hope. they try to think of a way to save the kids, when walt recalls that the spider venom peter has will, in the right dosage, cause the kid's brains to reject the influence of the microchip he implanted. they race into the classroom, and begin to shove rags with the venom on them under the kids' noses. the students, now free, run out, after betty sue and kathleen, who have fled. only dashul remains, and annie frees him. he begins to tell her about the plot, when she interrupts, telling him everyone is free, and tanking him, saying she couldn't have done it without him. they apologize for the fight, and leave the classroom, where the rest of the kids have tied up kathleen and betty sue, with swords held to their throats. annie tries to convince the kids not to hurt them, not to sink to their level, but they ignore her, as she isn't a friend to them, and they want revenge. finally dashul cries out loudly to 'listen to her( annie), and they quiet down. annie apologizes for never trying to be their friend, and makes a speech, after which they allow the women to leave, warning them never to return. they have recess, and sing 'limbo' agai, during the song, victoria says she is sorry, but she isn't forgiven- yet. annie gives dashul a quick kiss, they sing the final lime 'but i'm stuck here down in limbo till that recess bell rings' and the curtain closes.
so now you know the story, and a wonderful one it is. one of the best ever. a recording was made of the song, and i will be buying it.:)
apparently, an unconfirmed rumor that a Broadway scout was in the audience circulated- i hope so, this musical should be shared with the world! so, look for it in a few years!
well, it is no longer my fave musical!
last night, i saw the fourth showing of the BHS spring musical, Double Digits.
now, don't g to google- it most likely won't be there - yet.
the musical was written by two BHS seniors- dialogue, music, everything. and it was amazing. stunning. beautiful.
when the drama teacher told us about it, all she really said was 'it is about fifth graders, dealing with the trails of being between 'kid' and 'teen', suffering 'pointless' tests, and there is an abusive power at the school'.
so i thought- it'll be like Matilda, only with less psychic powers and older kids.
how wrong i was.
what i saw was not Matilda... it was like Candy shop war meets After meets Return from Witch Mountain meets bar code tattoo. but with fifth graders.. ok, so the kids are 5th graders in candy shop wars.. yeah, ok... (spoilers alert!!! this is review mixed with what happens!!!)
the main character is Annie- played by a friend of mine who was perfect for the role- a girl who is the classic teacher's pet. shy, studious, uncomfortable around other kids, striving to get into a prestigious private school near by. the first so is 'limbo, one of the best, although each song is stirring and wonderful. on the fist day of school, annie laments having to go to a school where 'they're all just kids', while other students talk about making something of themselves, and the transition between single digits, and being ten.
then the bell rings, ending the song.
right away, a pop quiz is passed out. just after, dashul, a returning fifth grader after flunking spanish, enters. he is seated next to annie :)
meanwhile, the principal discovers she slept in, and the secretary, the yappy, hyper, sunnshine-y betty sue, yammers on and on. Principal K realizes her ex, the prinipal of the local, prestigous school for gifted students, has been named principal of the month.
after school, the janitor sings about having to clean up, but being intrested in the brain, and hiw it works.
at annies house
annie learns she has been rejected from the school, even though she has strived for years to be perfect. following the letter, the song 'rejected' plays, wherein future annie tells the young girl that her life was destroyed because she was rejected- she fell in with the wrong crowed, took up smoking, dropped out, had a child, became a prostitute. in dispare, annie runs from the house- knocking over dashul, who scolds her for not carring, and only thinking about school, rather than appreciating whats around her. he mentions he had come to ask for tutorinfg, but after the heated discussion, he leaves. Annie calls him back, asking if friday would work. he agrees, smiling.
friday rolls around, and the two sit studying( yes, they do study!) when annie's pinky brushes Dashuls, starting the song 'oh no!'( they start to show that they each have a crush on the other) which ends with dashul blurting out the question, " annie, will you be my girlfriend?" to which she squeaks 'ok!'
at the same time, the preppy, popular girl, Victoria, calls Dashul's house, as she has already spoken about how she has a crush on him to her gang of wannabes. she is heartbroken to learn he is doing homework at 'some girls house' in the scene, we also see that dashul's home life is the opposite of annie's- while her parents pressure her to be the best, his father is a bum and his waitress mother constantly insults her husband, and neither seem to expect their son to do anything with his life.
on monday morning, the test scores are announced- with very few exceptions, the were awful.the teacher displays one student( duke) 's bubble sheet- he has spelled out 'poop' the class thinks this hilarious, and they begin to re-take the test
Principal Kathleen gets a call from the school board- if the test scores do not go up, she will be fired. then, mr. weedmore, the afore mentioned ex and principal of the month, calls, and gloats in her face, angering her. thus begins the song, desperate measure() my other favorite) ( this song is very similar to les miz's 'one day more')
while kathleen sings about how desperate measures must be taken, and frets, she comes up with a plan, and orders betty sue to get the janitor, and Duke.
duke has been plotting with his friends about how to get into the girls bathroom. she brings both to the office, where the janitor preforms some sort of operation by this time, school is out, and students gather on the steps. the popular girls sing about nail polish( i like pink, blue is better, blue is for boys, pink is for girls) victoria sings that she is going to live the life she wants. dashul and annie sing in spanish/english respectively as they study. one student, dressed in a cape, says, as he bashes super heroes together that 'no one's gonna boss me around this year' all the songs inter twin, with a slightly melancholy tone
kathleen's voice then takes over as she repeats the opening of the song, then stops, asking duke, who is sitting up strait, a series of questions, ending with a repeating decimal number question. it is clear he has become robotic.
everyone repeats their part of the song, and the music fades.
the next day, duke is acting strange, but everyone is too caught up in themselves- even annie- to notice. dashul alone sees something is wrong, causing him to shout at the class for not noticing that somethig is wrong. the teacher yells at him, and dashul and annie fight- she just wants him to sit down, and behave, but he refuses to stop until the class sees that duke isn't acting like duke- even at a 'butt' joke he doesn't laugh. storming out, dashul overhears walter- the janitor, telling kathleen he only has enough equipment to 'do' one more student. kathleen gives him money, telling him to get anything he needs, she wants half the school changed by christmas. as he leaves, Dashul confronts him, after which the janitor grabs him, and they preform the operation on him.
annie goes to visit dashul, to apologize for the way she acted when he was right, but he, now robotic, brushes her off saying that he was at fault, and he needs to do his math. she pleads with him to tell her what happened, and he responds with the crypic phrase- ask the janitor. annie cries, but is comforted by peter the insect boy.
end of act one.
act two opens with a play ground scene, wherein everyone is dressed the same, and speaks in a monotone., repeating song lyrics like 'sara and jonny sitting in a tree' ' one two buckle my shoe' and 'down by the banks of the hankey pankey' it is one of the creepiest parts of the play.
slowly, the last three students- Annie, Peter and Victoria emerge, and are filled with fear, wishing it was all a dream.
they take a test, and are worried. annie decides she needs to find out what happened , and she and peter sneak out of class, surprising the janitor. annie recalls what dashul told her, and begins to question him, at which point he breaks down and confesses- he thought it was for the greater good, and didn't know it would make them emotionless.
later at annies house, the four meets, and victoria asks why the should trust her," you're just like them" annie gets angry and insists that she isn't, and feels bad because she gas no friends,. at last, they agree on a plan. but after the meeting, victoria calls up kathleen, saying there is something she has to say.
during the next day's test, annie, victoria and peter sneak out- peter is sent to find walt and then get the kids out of class, one by one, so walt came do the reverse operation. Annie and victoria go to stop betty sue and kathleen. they jump betty sue, tying a potato sack around her, and proceed to the principals office, where annie triumphantly declares that it is over, the students have won, she ( kathleen) is out numbered, at which point victoria, holding a jump rope, hows her true side, and ties up annie. kathleen reveals that she knew all about the plan, and pulls a bound walt up from behind her desk. while victoria sits to the side, kathleen speaks about how she didn't want yo have to change annie- she was her star pupil, but she has no choice now. walt declare he will not do the operation, and kathleen says that he is 'just a janitor- expendable' very afraid, annie struggles to free herself, while kathleen gloats over her title as principal of the month. suddenly, peter appears, saying he couldn't find walt- the panics. as betty sue and kathleen attempt to seize him, he pulls a vial from his pocket, uncapping it. it contains a powerful spider venom that makes the two women hallucinate , and faint. peter then unties the captives, and walt laments about how his tools were destroyed- there is no hope. they try to think of a way to save the kids, when walt recalls that the spider venom peter has will, in the right dosage, cause the kid's brains to reject the influence of the microchip he implanted. they race into the classroom, and begin to shove rags with the venom on them under the kids' noses. the students, now free, run out, after betty sue and kathleen, who have fled. only dashul remains, and annie frees him. he begins to tell her about the plot, when she interrupts, telling him everyone is free, and tanking him, saying she couldn't have done it without him. they apologize for the fight, and leave the classroom, where the rest of the kids have tied up kathleen and betty sue, with swords held to their throats. annie tries to convince the kids not to hurt them, not to sink to their level, but they ignore her, as she isn't a friend to them, and they want revenge. finally dashul cries out loudly to 'listen to her( annie), and they quiet down. annie apologizes for never trying to be their friend, and makes a speech, after which they allow the women to leave, warning them never to return. they have recess, and sing 'limbo' agai, during the song, victoria says she is sorry, but she isn't forgiven- yet. annie gives dashul a quick kiss, they sing the final lime 'but i'm stuck here down in limbo till that recess bell rings' and the curtain closes.
so now you know the story, and a wonderful one it is. one of the best ever. a recording was made of the song, and i will be buying it.:)
apparently, an unconfirmed rumor that a Broadway scout was in the audience circulated- i hope so, this musical should be shared with the world! so, look for it in a few years!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
well, hello, hello hello!
i'm blogging because it's been a while.
let me see
i got a used GBA and many games as a late birthday gift from my friend, Shayla, and this made me very happy.
i finished Star testing, at last at last! until next year. drat.
i've gotten more writing done in the past week that in quite a while
sisters grimm 7 came out early- i read it!!
last night, my cat was trapped in the crawl space for 12 hours! we found him this morning, poor thing!
i have a headache
a fave character is .. sniff.. sniff. darn you Buckley!!!
i lost my very, very important lilac notebook, with tons of character profiles, prophecies, songs, vocab and other details for my stories.. i haven't a clue were it is!
girls camp is going to be unfun this year.. i'm going to be miserable.- just think, if i had thought earlier, ' lets not do camp' i COULD have auditioned for, and probably gotten into, the teen version of LES MIZ, being put on in my city. my dream play! but i thought, no, camp.
and now look, SHE will be there. i don't feel like explaining- see hedgi's ( located to the right) post from a while ago.
school stinks.
let me see
i got a used GBA and many games as a late birthday gift from my friend, Shayla, and this made me very happy.
i finished Star testing, at last at last! until next year. drat.
i've gotten more writing done in the past week that in quite a while
sisters grimm 7 came out early- i read it!!
last night, my cat was trapped in the crawl space for 12 hours! we found him this morning, poor thing!
i have a headache
a fave character is .. sniff.. sniff. darn you Buckley!!!
i lost my very, very important lilac notebook, with tons of character profiles, prophecies, songs, vocab and other details for my stories.. i haven't a clue were it is!
girls camp is going to be unfun this year.. i'm going to be miserable.- just think, if i had thought earlier, ' lets not do camp' i COULD have auditioned for, and probably gotten into, the teen version of LES MIZ, being put on in my city. my dream play! but i thought, no, camp.
and now look, SHE will be there. i don't feel like explaining- see hedgi's ( located to the right) post from a while ago.
school stinks.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
so soon?
hey, that's right, i'm blogging, again! oh, wow! didn't i just blog less than a few days ago? by heck, i did!
so it is like, 8:00, and my homework is DON!!! mostly. i need to print up a picture, but fist i has to talk to my dad, and since he is not here at this very moment, i am done. take that life.
today was one of my 'if i can get though today, all will be well' days. funny thing, this school year, i've had three of those, and they've all been Thursdays. forget Mondays, it's bad luck icky Thursdays! today i had my final Julius Caesar test.. ugg, nightmare! i mean, shakespeare's awesome and all but.. confusingness! my poor brain..
on a happier note.. my buddy Merry is halfway through Dragon Flight.. yay( merry, where are you in it?)
yay, we can discus it and how utterly amazing the ending is. i love the ending, it freaking rules.
and soon i start on my next fan fic project with Genun- a fablehaven collection of what ifs. it will be funny and amazing.
and i wrote like, three paragraphs of Daughter last night/this morning, and it made nme happy. turns out, Nida doesn't like math either. what a shock.
and i'm just plain happy.
ok, here is something.
a memory type thing.
years ago, i was in a choir- i didn't like it much, because i like to sing what i like, not what ppl tell me to, particularly when they make us sing stuff in latin, because i don't know what i'm saying and what if i mess up? but that's besides the point. one of the songs that the other girls- not me, i was't a soprano( the song is for an alto in the first place, so why was it only for- NVM!!)
amyway, one song i did not gwt to learn was 'candle on the water' but from listening, i picked up some parts of it.. it was pretty, but back then i wasn't into singing as much, and didn't know i could find lyrics online..
last year, or maybe the year before that, i was staying at my gramma's over night, and i woke to piano music.. but it was that song! so i came down, singing the chorus, 'cause i knew that part, and Gramma stopped playing, asking if i knew it.. i said not really, but while she played, i sang what i did know, and it was fun.
on the topic of memory, my earliest memorie is from when i was almost 3. i clearly recall standing or sitting near the steps, asking my dad' when will i be three' ist crazy or what?
i have memories fom being 4 and 5 as well.
ok, i have spent 15 minuts blogging, and now i am done. my diary feels neglected, i'm sure.
so it is like, 8:00, and my homework is DON!!! mostly. i need to print up a picture, but fist i has to talk to my dad, and since he is not here at this very moment, i am done. take that life.
today was one of my 'if i can get though today, all will be well' days. funny thing, this school year, i've had three of those, and they've all been Thursdays. forget Mondays, it's bad luck icky Thursdays! today i had my final Julius Caesar test.. ugg, nightmare! i mean, shakespeare's awesome and all but.. confusingness! my poor brain..
on a happier note.. my buddy Merry is halfway through Dragon Flight.. yay( merry, where are you in it?)
yay, we can discus it and how utterly amazing the ending is. i love the ending, it freaking rules.
and soon i start on my next fan fic project with Genun- a fablehaven collection of what ifs. it will be funny and amazing.
and i wrote like, three paragraphs of Daughter last night/this morning, and it made nme happy. turns out, Nida doesn't like math either. what a shock.
and i'm just plain happy.
ok, here is something.
a memory type thing.
years ago, i was in a choir- i didn't like it much, because i like to sing what i like, not what ppl tell me to, particularly when they make us sing stuff in latin, because i don't know what i'm saying and what if i mess up? but that's besides the point. one of the songs that the other girls- not me, i was't a soprano( the song is for an alto in the first place, so why was it only for- NVM!!)
amyway, one song i did not gwt to learn was 'candle on the water' but from listening, i picked up some parts of it.. it was pretty, but back then i wasn't into singing as much, and didn't know i could find lyrics online..
last year, or maybe the year before that, i was staying at my gramma's over night, and i woke to piano music.. but it was that song! so i came down, singing the chorus, 'cause i knew that part, and Gramma stopped playing, asking if i knew it.. i said not really, but while she played, i sang what i did know, and it was fun.
on the topic of memory, my earliest memorie is from when i was almost 3. i clearly recall standing or sitting near the steps, asking my dad' when will i be three' ist crazy or what?
i have memories fom being 4 and 5 as well.
ok, i have spent 15 minuts blogging, and now i am done. my diary feels neglected, i'm sure.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
i just cleaned my room last week
and already it is a mess. ha! take that, life! i have skills.
able to mess up a clean room in less than a week.
OK, so most of it was cause a spider went under the bed, and i made mom vacuum it up, and in the process we had to get everything out from under the bed.... have i ever mentioned how much i fear spiders? i honestly can't do anything. they petrify me. i had a big book, but couldn't come close enough to squish it... sigh. I'm like, the biggest Coward in the world. list time!
i fear:
the dark
being alone at night
getting lost
putting my head under water- be it lake, bath tub, sea, i hate it.
fire- well, big fires- i don't mind candles, or wood stove fires...
natural disasters
my dad's temper
heights- or rather, falling
huge empty spaces - only when I'm alone.
and a host of other things. am i a wimp? yes, yes i am.
but moving on to other things
I've decided to focus on Daughter of the Waves for a while, as I'm going no where with my other stories. i had an idea for some action in the middle, so I've been editing and revising what i have. it was fun- i went over everything i had- all 12 pages- last night.
my drama improv group is going well- we have a name now- the Flying(or frying, freaking, fighting) mongeese.
and i wrote a poem /poem fic. for Gregor the overlander. lots of people agree with me- Gregor and Luxa are a great couple, and deserve a happily ever after. hey, that's what fanfics are for. my fan-fic profile is located to your right- 'Hegdi Naysomay Aisling' I've written a total of 3 things, but i plan on fixing that, as soon as the plot bunnies( 5 of them), plot cat, plot seahorse, plot pigeon, and plot unicorns start behaving. they all took the month of- aparently, narnia is great this time of year...sigh.
moving on, yet again.
bookbat's world, as i bring up time and time again( hint hint) is doing poorly- i havn't posted in a while, but i do plan on fixing that, with some reviews forth comming. i spent some time on the calender too- and all i can say is i can't wait for may. so much to be told!! for example:
dragon slippers: what did JDGeorge's clue 'Volcanoe' mean? what's up with creel and luka?
pjo: will my theory prove true? what was the prophecy about percy? what is the fate of our world???
sis grimm: who's the master? who's the master- i've waited for 4 years, tell me already!!!!
i'm sure there will be more. if you have any theories about these books, or other upcoming books, wander over to BBW( link located to your right at the top of the page) and start a thread,. please? please?
also, can someone tell me how to put movies from you tube onto my blog? one will be going up in about 2 weeks- the TeensRead ad i was in over the weekend at the library. yes, i was in an ad. at the library.
it involves a tinfoil coverd unicorn, fake blood a sword fight and pie to the face. staring the Teen Play readers of the bpl. filming of spy scequence by Jack Baur. Yes, Jack Baur filmed for us. we love you Jack!- although he probably isn't reading this, as i didn't give him my blog, only my email :)
heh. well, best be going. i've got things to do.. they involve cleaning my room, darn it!
able to mess up a clean room in less than a week.
OK, so most of it was cause a spider went under the bed, and i made mom vacuum it up, and in the process we had to get everything out from under the bed.... have i ever mentioned how much i fear spiders? i honestly can't do anything. they petrify me. i had a big book, but couldn't come close enough to squish it... sigh. I'm like, the biggest Coward in the world. list time!
i fear:
the dark
being alone at night
getting lost
putting my head under water- be it lake, bath tub, sea, i hate it.
fire- well, big fires- i don't mind candles, or wood stove fires...
natural disasters
my dad's temper
heights- or rather, falling
huge empty spaces - only when I'm alone.
and a host of other things. am i a wimp? yes, yes i am.
but moving on to other things
I've decided to focus on Daughter of the Waves for a while, as I'm going no where with my other stories. i had an idea for some action in the middle, so I've been editing and revising what i have. it was fun- i went over everything i had- all 12 pages- last night.
my drama improv group is going well- we have a name now- the Flying(or frying, freaking, fighting) mongeese.
and i wrote a poem /poem fic. for Gregor the overlander. lots of people agree with me- Gregor and Luxa are a great couple, and deserve a happily ever after. hey, that's what fanfics are for. my fan-fic profile is located to your right- 'Hegdi Naysomay Aisling' I've written a total of 3 things, but i plan on fixing that, as soon as the plot bunnies( 5 of them), plot cat, plot seahorse, plot pigeon, and plot unicorns start behaving. they all took the month of- aparently, narnia is great this time of year...sigh.
moving on, yet again.
bookbat's world, as i bring up time and time again( hint hint) is doing poorly- i havn't posted in a while, but i do plan on fixing that, with some reviews forth comming. i spent some time on the calender too- and all i can say is i can't wait for may. so much to be told!! for example:
dragon slippers: what did JDGeorge's clue 'Volcanoe' mean? what's up with creel and luka?
pjo: will my theory prove true? what was the prophecy about percy? what is the fate of our world???
sis grimm: who's the master? who's the master- i've waited for 4 years, tell me already!!!!
i'm sure there will be more. if you have any theories about these books, or other upcoming books, wander over to BBW( link located to your right at the top of the page) and start a thread,. please? please?
also, can someone tell me how to put movies from you tube onto my blog? one will be going up in about 2 weeks- the TeensRead ad i was in over the weekend at the library. yes, i was in an ad. at the library.
it involves a tinfoil coverd unicorn, fake blood a sword fight and pie to the face. staring the Teen Play readers of the bpl. filming of spy scequence by Jack Baur. Yes, Jack Baur filmed for us. we love you Jack!- although he probably isn't reading this, as i didn't give him my blog, only my email :)
heh. well, best be going. i've got things to do.. they involve cleaning my room, darn it!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
spring break.......
more later
- watched all 26 episodes of Huntik, a new favorite TV show from italy. i adore it. really, i do.
- annoyed tcm by talking about Huntik. for hours
- finished Sandry's book and Daja's book and begun Tris's book- yes, mom and i are reading/listening out of order.
- cleaned my room.
- written about 10 pages in my journal- a gift from Jeni R, whom i love!
- been pestered by tcm about stones of destiny.
- tried to kill writer's block and failed
- spent 8 hours on fanfiction
- spent 8 hours on yahoo! answers
- read 3 fantasy novels
- gone to the library
- explained to mom why i dislike math problems like the following : x(8y+4)=65, y=7 x 6x: find both 'x' and 'y'.
- eaten a cupcake
- sat around
- did english homework
- and history homework
- missed my cousins
- woke up at 5, then remembered i had no seminary
- started a movie- but the power is off
- finish that movie
- do more English homework
- Do more history homework
- go kayaking with my friend
- see if i can hang out with a friend tonight
- not spoil the ending of a great book for my cousins
- raid mom's chocolate stash while she is away
- get mom to pay me for watching some of the siblings of her four year old violin class students
- write more in my journal
- defeat writer's block.
more later
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
random things of happiness
I'm back.
lately I've been down( to the point of leaving school at noon yesterday and going home)
so I've decided to blog about the happy stuff.
1. i finished Fablehaven: Secret of the Dragon Preserve.
2. it was amazingly wonderful, with just the right amount of 'what the heck, no! no! no!' moments and 'aww, that so sweet" moments. Brandon Mull does it again!
3. Mom and I have been reading 'Sandry's Book" by Tamora Peirce. today i got it on Audio Book so i can rest my sore throat! the recording is done by Fullcast Audio, a comapny run by author Bruce Coville, where each Caracter has a differnt voice actor/actress.
4. today was the joke edition of the school paper- this made my day. because in tiny little letters, were the words 'news editor: Mimi Tachikawa'. most of you do not know why this makes my day. see, i am still obsessed with Digimon, and Mimi Tachikawa just so happens to be a character- meaning someone else at school put that in, for unknown reasons, and that just makes me happy.
5. it is almost spring break.
6. my kitty haven't tried to murder each other.
6. in Drama class, we are doing improv stuff, and we all got grouped up to prefore for the class as our final progect- we improv a set of games we choose to do in front of the class. my group is me and four of my awsome friends. it is going to be awsome.
7. spring. spring means books. my friends are ALL starting to read books i like! now i can talk to linden about percy jackson, and Emma about sisters grimm and Genun about the crazy fablehaven book for. and i can talk to neyha about dragon slippers, and Katy about hunger games and Beastly, and a random girl in my NEW p.e. class about Goose girl. and Jeremy about the circle of magic, and on, and on, and on, and YAY!!!!!!
8. no one is pestering me about my messy room.
9. i have lots of pretty songs on my MP3 player.
10. i discovered that the books series that i thought was discontinued was not and that i can get the lext 4 book on line( never mind the fact that i won't, because they are all really $$$, like $57, because they were only in print for like, a year. and the libraries don't have them.
11. mom and dad are talking about taking tcm and me to washington dc next summer- the library odf congress is there!!! i'm gonna sit and read all day long!
12. i got lots of sleep last night.
13- i wrote tons and tons of pages for my various stories in the past week!
more later
lately I've been down( to the point of leaving school at noon yesterday and going home)
so I've decided to blog about the happy stuff.
1. i finished Fablehaven: Secret of the Dragon Preserve.
2. it was amazingly wonderful, with just the right amount of 'what the heck, no! no! no!' moments and 'aww, that so sweet" moments. Brandon Mull does it again!
3. Mom and I have been reading 'Sandry's Book" by Tamora Peirce. today i got it on Audio Book so i can rest my sore throat! the recording is done by Fullcast Audio, a comapny run by author Bruce Coville, where each Caracter has a differnt voice actor/actress.
4. today was the joke edition of the school paper- this made my day. because in tiny little letters, were the words 'news editor: Mimi Tachikawa'. most of you do not know why this makes my day. see, i am still obsessed with Digimon, and Mimi Tachikawa just so happens to be a character- meaning someone else at school put that in, for unknown reasons, and that just makes me happy.
5. it is almost spring break.
6. my kitty haven't tried to murder each other.
6. in Drama class, we are doing improv stuff, and we all got grouped up to prefore for the class as our final progect- we improv a set of games we choose to do in front of the class. my group is me and four of my awsome friends. it is going to be awsome.
7. spring. spring means books. my friends are ALL starting to read books i like! now i can talk to linden about percy jackson, and Emma about sisters grimm and Genun about the crazy fablehaven book for. and i can talk to neyha about dragon slippers, and Katy about hunger games and Beastly, and a random girl in my NEW p.e. class about Goose girl. and Jeremy about the circle of magic, and on, and on, and on, and YAY!!!!!!
8. no one is pestering me about my messy room.
9. i have lots of pretty songs on my MP3 player.
10. i discovered that the books series that i thought was discontinued was not and that i can get the lext 4 book on line( never mind the fact that i won't, because they are all really $$$, like $57, because they were only in print for like, a year. and the libraries don't have them.
11. mom and dad are talking about taking tcm and me to washington dc next summer- the library odf congress is there!!! i'm gonna sit and read all day long!
12. i got lots of sleep last night.
13- i wrote tons and tons of pages for my various stories in the past week!
more later
Thursday, March 19, 2009
hello. hello. hello. polly wanna cracker?
yes, i do want a cracker. or a candy bar.. but a cracker'd be fine.
hello again to all my friends..wait- that sounds like.. OH NO I'M BARNEY! RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!
well, hi. it is tursday. it is sunny. so why am i in a funk? my tire got punctured. i'm hungry. i'm sleepy. mom's got a student over. the library says i owe them money- they forget to check things in all the time, darn them. ugg.
now, lets se what''s tomorrow- test. quiz. test. COUSINS!!! yes, the cousins are comming and life will be amazing. tomooorow will be my day( or the univers is gonna be sorry.)
other good thinks about today:
JOEJerk hasn't touched me since i shouted at him in the halls to 'never touch me again you creep' win.
and i have speaker for my MP3 player now- i is happy. and my hw is done, though i thought it'd take me all afternoon. and there is a cat on my lap... little goose.
hey, everyone, there is now a calender on B.B.W, with mentions of books comming out. check it. it has the dates and everything!
also today-
i finnished a reall creepy book- like 'day after tomorrow' creepy. called 'life as we knew it' go read it- i'll do a B.B.W review for it in a week or so. but i'm going to keep a diary/journal for good this time, and not lose it. i'll use the one i got for my b-day, from jenni.. see, i won't spoil anything, but one character tells another in it ' we may not have a future, but no one can deny we have a past."
plus, why not leave something for postarity to read, aside from poems. maybe in 100 years, it'll be quoted in some history or liturature text book. now thats an idea- do you think anyone who ever recoreded their thoughts ever thinks that?
anyway, more later!
hello again to all my friends..wait- that sounds like.. OH NO I'M BARNEY! RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!
well, hi. it is tursday. it is sunny. so why am i in a funk? my tire got punctured. i'm hungry. i'm sleepy. mom's got a student over. the library says i owe them money- they forget to check things in all the time, darn them. ugg.
now, lets se what''s tomorrow- test. quiz. test. COUSINS!!! yes, the cousins are comming and life will be amazing. tomooorow will be my day( or the univers is gonna be sorry.)
other good thinks about today:
JOEJerk hasn't touched me since i shouted at him in the halls to 'never touch me again you creep' win.
and i have speaker for my MP3 player now- i is happy. and my hw is done, though i thought it'd take me all afternoon. and there is a cat on my lap... little goose.
hey, everyone, there is now a calender on B.B.W, with mentions of books comming out. check it. it has the dates and everything!
also today-
i finnished a reall creepy book- like 'day after tomorrow' creepy. called 'life as we knew it' go read it- i'll do a B.B.W review for it in a week or so. but i'm going to keep a diary/journal for good this time, and not lose it. i'll use the one i got for my b-day, from jenni.. see, i won't spoil anything, but one character tells another in it ' we may not have a future, but no one can deny we have a past."
plus, why not leave something for postarity to read, aside from poems. maybe in 100 years, it'll be quoted in some history or liturature text book. now thats an idea- do you think anyone who ever recoreded their thoughts ever thinks that?
anyway, more later!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Pics from Prom

next post: more pics! promise!
Friday, February 27, 2009
thank the stars, it's friday.
oh, friday, friday, friday. i love it so.
well, i'm listening to my soundtrack of life, right now, and having fun with that.
i read a book this afternoon, 'Tiger Moon' it was confusing, and more than a bit sad, but good overall, mixing elements of Hindu with all the beauty of fairy tales like those of Italy- it was a nice book, although the plot didn't quite snatch me up.
i did manage to solve the riddle though.
last post i pestered everyone to visit Bookbat's. did anyone? please, leave a comment, or better yet, a review. i'm fixing it so you don't even need to be a member to post. for anyone new, Bookbat's world is a book reviewing webbie i created last year. a place where people like me can write about books and recomend them to others, or just talk to other fans.. it hasn't been ver active, and i'm hoping to get more members on, and re-open it, modified and better. the link is to your right. just drop by!
well, i survived basket ball of PE.. next up, Ultimate Frisbee. oh joy, oh joy.
SPEAKING of joy..
I am going to the Mrom- the Mormon Prom, for 16-18 year olds.
and i have a date( sorta). i'm so excited!!! G'ma's making me a dress, been working on it for ages. it's dark blue silk, and so pretty, like a dream... i've been walking on air just thinking about it.
and i'm in a spoof on the Twilight movie for drama. i'm narator. YES!
and there is a cookie on my bed!
well, i best be going now, leave a comment!
well, i'm listening to my soundtrack of life, right now, and having fun with that.
i read a book this afternoon, 'Tiger Moon' it was confusing, and more than a bit sad, but good overall, mixing elements of Hindu with all the beauty of fairy tales like those of Italy- it was a nice book, although the plot didn't quite snatch me up.
i did manage to solve the riddle though.
last post i pestered everyone to visit Bookbat's. did anyone? please, leave a comment, or better yet, a review. i'm fixing it so you don't even need to be a member to post. for anyone new, Bookbat's world is a book reviewing webbie i created last year. a place where people like me can write about books and recomend them to others, or just talk to other fans.. it hasn't been ver active, and i'm hoping to get more members on, and re-open it, modified and better. the link is to your right. just drop by!
well, i survived basket ball of PE.. next up, Ultimate Frisbee. oh joy, oh joy.
SPEAKING of joy..
I am going to the Mrom- the Mormon Prom, for 16-18 year olds.
and i have a date( sorta). i'm so excited!!! G'ma's making me a dress, been working on it for ages. it's dark blue silk, and so pretty, like a dream... i've been walking on air just thinking about it.
and i'm in a spoof on the Twilight movie for drama. i'm narator. YES!
and there is a cookie on my bed!
well, i best be going now, leave a comment!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
of books, fanfics, talentshows and some randomness
hello, hello.
been a bit, i guess. sorry about that. let me see: books
i've read many good ones- you know the kind- hug to your chest and never want to let go? that kind maximum ride: final warning tops this weeks list, followed closely by 'uprising' the story of three girls during the American industrial revolution/ mill fires. it was rather sad, and very different from anything else the author has written. my fave line? " the story starts, like so much else, with Hope. Hope, and daring, and Dreams" gosh, is the beautiful or what? and then there was 'the Ruby Key' an amazing fantasy story.
also on the topic of books- this just in:13th reality book 2: hunt for dark infinity' followed in a matter of days by the next 39 clues book( think, national treasure, but more clues, more famous ppl, more important, and with orphans and an au pair( is that spelled right? aw, heck with it. u know what i mean) w/ a nose ring)i. can't. wait. that that only starts off the spring season! at the end of the month, Brandon Mull pulls out 'secret of the dragon preserve' the 4Th fablehaven. then in may, sisters Grimm book 7 emerges, and the Masters identity is finally revealed! later that month, all my questions are answered with the final 'Creel and the dragons' book by Jessica Day George( if you haven't yet read her, stop reading this and GO READ HER BOOKS. thanks to a recommendation by yours truly, the local library system has 6 copies of 'Dragon slippers' all checked out at the moment, and 7 copies of 'dragon flight' on the way. i feel very pleased with my self. and lastly, also in may, all is revealed in the last Percy Jackson book, 'the last Olympian'. dang that was a lot of advertising.
in the semi near future, regarding books, in 2010, summer, the long awaited UNICORN CHRONICLES book 4, the Last Hunt comes out.
i am doing a happy dance.
i mean, some ppl have only been waiting since '94 to read it. i've been waiting since '02. Bruce Colville is Evile with the cliffies. but not as bad as one Chris Heimerdinger! 3 years ago we got a 'to be continued' with about 20 lives( of ppl we love), the fate of the nephites, a cursed sword, heck THE FATE OF THE BOOK OF MORMON ITSELF hanging in the balance. and 2 weddings. possibly more.
ok, ok, colville had the fate of some beloved( no pun intended, for your unicorn readers) characters in limbo for 8 or so years...
moving on, as i do a happy dance.
i finished my fanfic, Dark Serenity. it was the first story i've ever finished, written, and submitted for others to read. or just plain story i've finished. i even got over 60 reviews! how awesome is that? it was kinda sad, like my baby was all grown up, and suddenly gone.. is this what mom's gonna feel like when i go off on my own?
talent show: so i was in it, and it was fun. this one guy, Rene, did a light show, and i did my poem, 'sometimes i need to cry'. i'll post it sometime. i was wearing a black top, red and black skirt, and my hair fluffed up into the fro it is. i didn't win, but i was 'only' doing a poem, and since everyone was into the rapp junk.. a belly dancer won. she was really good through.
randomness.... i got into the audition only drama class- 12 students only/total, and all of us want to be in the class, so i won't need to deal with the blanks i do now, who just make trouble. it is gonna rule. plus, we write the fall play! sweetness!
lastly, please, please, visit bookbat, write a review, please?
anyway, more later.
been a bit, i guess. sorry about that. let me see: books
i've read many good ones- you know the kind- hug to your chest and never want to let go? that kind maximum ride: final warning tops this weeks list, followed closely by 'uprising' the story of three girls during the American industrial revolution/ mill fires. it was rather sad, and very different from anything else the author has written. my fave line? " the story starts, like so much else, with Hope. Hope, and daring, and Dreams" gosh, is the beautiful or what? and then there was 'the Ruby Key' an amazing fantasy story.
also on the topic of books- this just in:13th reality book 2: hunt for dark infinity' followed in a matter of days by the next 39 clues book( think, national treasure, but more clues, more famous ppl, more important, and with orphans and an au pair( is that spelled right? aw, heck with it. u know what i mean) w/ a nose ring)i. can't. wait. that that only starts off the spring season! at the end of the month, Brandon Mull pulls out 'secret of the dragon preserve' the 4Th fablehaven. then in may, sisters Grimm book 7 emerges, and the Masters identity is finally revealed! later that month, all my questions are answered with the final 'Creel and the dragons' book by Jessica Day George( if you haven't yet read her, stop reading this and GO READ HER BOOKS. thanks to a recommendation by yours truly, the local library system has 6 copies of 'Dragon slippers' all checked out at the moment, and 7 copies of 'dragon flight' on the way. i feel very pleased with my self. and lastly, also in may, all is revealed in the last Percy Jackson book, 'the last Olympian'. dang that was a lot of advertising.
in the semi near future, regarding books, in 2010, summer, the long awaited UNICORN CHRONICLES book 4, the Last Hunt comes out.
i am doing a happy dance.
i mean, some ppl have only been waiting since '94 to read it. i've been waiting since '02. Bruce Colville is Evile with the cliffies. but not as bad as one Chris Heimerdinger! 3 years ago we got a 'to be continued' with about 20 lives( of ppl we love), the fate of the nephites, a cursed sword, heck THE FATE OF THE BOOK OF MORMON ITSELF hanging in the balance. and 2 weddings. possibly more.
ok, ok, colville had the fate of some beloved( no pun intended, for your unicorn readers) characters in limbo for 8 or so years...
moving on, as i do a happy dance.
i finished my fanfic, Dark Serenity. it was the first story i've ever finished, written, and submitted for others to read. or just plain story i've finished. i even got over 60 reviews! how awesome is that? it was kinda sad, like my baby was all grown up, and suddenly gone.. is this what mom's gonna feel like when i go off on my own?
talent show: so i was in it, and it was fun. this one guy, Rene, did a light show, and i did my poem, 'sometimes i need to cry'. i'll post it sometime. i was wearing a black top, red and black skirt, and my hair fluffed up into the fro it is. i didn't win, but i was 'only' doing a poem, and since everyone was into the rapp junk.. a belly dancer won. she was really good through.
randomness.... i got into the audition only drama class- 12 students only/total, and all of us want to be in the class, so i won't need to deal with the blanks i do now, who just make trouble. it is gonna rule. plus, we write the fall play! sweetness!
lastly, please, please, visit bookbat, write a review, please?
anyway, more later.
events of exciement/importance,
Friday, February 13, 2009
ialmost died, a long weekend, happiness and books
well, hello, hello!
i am here!
what has happened recently?
i had a lovely time at YW on Wednesday, including a gift from Jenni- a new journal, and Jessica Day George's latest book, Princess of the Midnight Ball. i have started it and i LOVE IT! i really, truly love it! and then there's the matter of the title page, with a note in lime green ink, wishing my a happy 16th birthday.. i think i was in shock for a full 20 minutes.
i suppose you are wondering about the first part of the title-' i almost died'. i had PE. we ran the mile. i had hurt my leg. enough said- or not! i ran as hard as i could- and it hurt badly, so i wouldn't have to run TWO MILES next week.
i finished with 30 seconds to spare, and promptly collapsed on the field, on my side, breathing heavily. that was mistake number 2(first one was not running in the first place)
lactic acid built up in my muscle and basically paralyzed them.. and since my arms were crossed on the ground in front of me, my lungs were rather cramped, squeezed, ect. since i already could hardly get enough air from the running, i now had to think, to concentrate, on each breath..no one seemed to notice me, and since i could barely get enough air to live, i couldn't call for help. i lay there praying for what seemed forever, although it was only 5 minutes. other students walked by me, not noticing. friends did too. i heard two kids joking about it -'Anna's dieing".. they never stopped to think.
i know have a new look on the parable of the good Samaritan. because it was not a friend who noticed i was in need of help, not the teacher- with a class of 40 students, some still running, she never saw- but one of the boys that constantly made fun of me, teasing me, calling me names, making rude remarks.
after calling over the teacher, he went back to a game of football- but still, had he not noticed, who knows what would have happened?.
this weekend i am going to hang out with cousins. tis going to be fun.
i just realized i never told you about my 16th birthday!
not much to tell- i went out to dinner, got a kite from dad, a book from mom, the end. not the 16th birthday i envisioned, but none of my cousins were around that whole week. i'm actually kind of bitter- i didn't even get a card. but lets not dwell on that.
on to the happiness? i already covered the gift from Jessica d George/ Jenni. i'm also finaly at 50 reviews for my fan fic, and i'm nearly done with that as well. last night at a local bookstore, i found a book that B&N claims doesn't exists( they are found of claiming that), but didn't buy it, as i was short cash.
i did well at the talent show auditions, i hope.
STARS! i forgot- there is a huge storm right now! huge, huge ,huge! right off the ocean! 10 minutes ago, the ground was dry, npow its stooden, the clouds are like lead, and theworld is filled with the plink of rain on tile roof tops. i love it.
last thing: visit my profile on fanfiction( under 'authors' Hedgi Naysomay Aisling.)
anyway, more later
i am here!
what has happened recently?
i had a lovely time at YW on Wednesday, including a gift from Jenni- a new journal, and Jessica Day George's latest book, Princess of the Midnight Ball. i have started it and i LOVE IT! i really, truly love it! and then there's the matter of the title page, with a note in lime green ink, wishing my a happy 16th birthday.. i think i was in shock for a full 20 minutes.
i suppose you are wondering about the first part of the title-' i almost died'. i had PE. we ran the mile. i had hurt my leg. enough said- or not! i ran as hard as i could- and it hurt badly, so i wouldn't have to run TWO MILES next week.
i finished with 30 seconds to spare, and promptly collapsed on the field, on my side, breathing heavily. that was mistake number 2(first one was not running in the first place)
lactic acid built up in my muscle and basically paralyzed them.. and since my arms were crossed on the ground in front of me, my lungs were rather cramped, squeezed, ect. since i already could hardly get enough air from the running, i now had to think, to concentrate, on each breath..no one seemed to notice me, and since i could barely get enough air to live, i couldn't call for help. i lay there praying for what seemed forever, although it was only 5 minutes. other students walked by me, not noticing. friends did too. i heard two kids joking about it -'Anna's dieing".. they never stopped to think.
i know have a new look on the parable of the good Samaritan. because it was not a friend who noticed i was in need of help, not the teacher- with a class of 40 students, some still running, she never saw- but one of the boys that constantly made fun of me, teasing me, calling me names, making rude remarks.
after calling over the teacher, he went back to a game of football- but still, had he not noticed, who knows what would have happened?.
this weekend i am going to hang out with cousins. tis going to be fun.
i just realized i never told you about my 16th birthday!
not much to tell- i went out to dinner, got a kite from dad, a book from mom, the end. not the 16th birthday i envisioned, but none of my cousins were around that whole week. i'm actually kind of bitter- i didn't even get a card. but lets not dwell on that.
on to the happiness? i already covered the gift from Jessica d George/ Jenni. i'm also finaly at 50 reviews for my fan fic, and i'm nearly done with that as well. last night at a local bookstore, i found a book that B&N claims doesn't exists( they are found of claiming that), but didn't buy it, as i was short cash.
i did well at the talent show auditions, i hope.
STARS! i forgot- there is a huge storm right now! huge, huge ,huge! right off the ocean! 10 minutes ago, the ground was dry, npow its stooden, the clouds are like lead, and theworld is filled with the plink of rain on tile roof tops. i love it.
last thing: visit my profile on fanfiction( under 'authors' Hedgi Naysomay Aisling.)
anyway, more later
Monday, February 9, 2009
Oh dear, it has been far too long
i would love to say i had a perfectly wonderful excuse for not blogging, however i do not.
don't eat me.
well, quite a lot has happened since i last posted.
i am now on chapter 10 of my digimon fan fiction
i am 16 years of age now :)
i'm surviving PE.. i guess we are doing basket ball now
i auditioned for and did not make the school musical...
i memorized about 1/2 the les miz soundtrack.
my room is cleaner.
i wrote a really good( in my opinion) essay in history about the Philosophes., and got an A plus on it- i may post it, if you ask
i um...( what else did i do?) thought i had a wisdom tooth, but it was really a huge canker sore that made it impossible to speak for 3 days.
i began work on a little writing project about the story of the six swans- from the PoV of the sister.
i have not worked on SOD, as i am very stuck.... same gos for DOTW and U.
i wrote some poetry
what is comming up:
i'm auditioning for the talent show- with a poem! lets hope we don't have a repeat of last year!
i am preforming a scene based of the Les Miz musical finale in drama..with friends. and i'm the only one who REALLY knows the tune- but that doesn't matter if we have fun
i'm thinking about joining the teen playreaders club..
i'm going to a young weomens activity ..a book discussion..where we will eat chocolate brownie/cake and discus one of my fave books- dragon slippers!
i have a new pen name- Hegdi Naysomay Aisling. pretty odd, huh?
mom and i are reading Sisters grimm.
dad and i just finnished ' the outriders'
please join book bats- i will be rejoining soon! as in, be on more often! promise!
anyway, more later!
don't eat me.
well, quite a lot has happened since i last posted.
i am now on chapter 10 of my digimon fan fiction
i am 16 years of age now :)
i'm surviving PE.. i guess we are doing basket ball now
i auditioned for and did not make the school musical...
i memorized about 1/2 the les miz soundtrack.
my room is cleaner.
i wrote a really good( in my opinion) essay in history about the Philosophes., and got an A plus on it- i may post it, if you ask
i um...( what else did i do?) thought i had a wisdom tooth, but it was really a huge canker sore that made it impossible to speak for 3 days.
i began work on a little writing project about the story of the six swans- from the PoV of the sister.
i have not worked on SOD, as i am very stuck.... same gos for DOTW and U.
i wrote some poetry
what is comming up:
i'm auditioning for the talent show- with a poem! lets hope we don't have a repeat of last year!
i am preforming a scene based of the Les Miz musical finale in drama..with friends. and i'm the only one who REALLY knows the tune- but that doesn't matter if we have fun
i'm thinking about joining the teen playreaders club..
i'm going to a young weomens activity ..a book discussion..where we will eat chocolate brownie/cake and discus one of my fave books- dragon slippers!
i have a new pen name- Hegdi Naysomay Aisling. pretty odd, huh?
mom and i are reading Sisters grimm.
dad and i just finnished ' the outriders'
please join book bats- i will be rejoining soon! as in, be on more often! promise!
anyway, more later!
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