Monday, December 22, 2008

on the 3rd day till chrismas i...

well, i survived finals. they included:
ping pong
two tests
a practice exit exam- no calculator.
a monologue i wrote- i was penny, an idealistic young penguin who things that the Obamadouble snowman ( don't ask) is holding the penguin's ability to fly captive in a jar- so i rally my friends and we try to 'rescue our captive inheritance!'
i had to turn one of the creepiest books of all time- lord of the flies- into a gender reversed, child friendly picture book! in 5 days! agg!
but i did it, some how.

then on Sunday, i sang in church- me and sari, my friend sang, with mom on the violin and dad on the English horn. it was amazing.

I am largely responsible for any and almost all Christmas gifts- picking out, getting, wrapping. i have been for several years now. I'm finally done- i got everyone the perfect gift, i think. and no- I'm not telling. there is one gift though, that i loved to get, and omsc, it is so perfect for the certain person i got it for, and i wish i could see that persons face when s/he opens it.
and then there's the matter of yet another gift- one that i discovered to my shock/amazement/joy. i think i shouted in the store that it was a Christmas miracle.

but anyway, the gifts are wrapped, labeled and ready. the house is clean, including my room, and i even put all my books on the shelves- and have room to spare, since i sold about 100 of them- mostly cheap paperbacks and the store ripped me off, but hey.

i now have posted 3 chapters of 'dark serenity' and have several followers on fan fiction, making me very happy. I've got the fourth written down, though my SOD work has been slow. nothing done. still, Christmas is a time of magic- the plot bunnies will be coming soon, i hope.

mom's in a funk because of being tired and being in charge of Christmas eve and day I've been doing all the other work- cleaning and reading aloud. we are reading 'the healer's keep' by Victoria Hanley. read it- read it, read it! it is amazing.

my friends genun and zary are on vacation- in ISRAEL of all places. and i learned how to make those cute origami wish stars. and I'm preparing for another monologue for the week after break
a speech from a book.
'The Goose Girl'
it's the one where Ani is being awesome and pwning the King/ king's counselors.
you know the one. 'you want evidence?'
that one.
if anyone has no clue what i'm saying, then as a Christmas gift, please for the love of good books, go read The Goose Girl, by Shanon Hale

speaking of books- is there anyone else who'd love to see Mary Wollstonecraft debate with Stephenie Meyer? if you don't know who MW is- she was a Philosphe who was bigg on equality of the sexes and that women should want the rights and not let me govern their rights, ect. ever elegent writting. i like her. she's dead- but still, i would LOVE to see them verbally duke it out. am i alone in this?

so happy holidays, whatever it is you celebrate- or at least have a merry-two-weeks-off.
anyway, more later.

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