Friday, May 9, 2008

BHS drama week summary+ today.

MONDAY: nothing much. only free day.
TUESDAY: imigration people try to get on campus. we don't let them. nots of kids are scared.
WENSDAY: armed robbery, school goes into temporary lock down, all of us freak, and THEY (i don't know who THEY are) want to send a SWAT team to fix it, but they catch the guy with out it.
THURSDAY: a kid gets stabbed and goes to the ER.
TODAY: fire alarm goes of. a real one, not a drill. turns out that a mandrin class was making wantons and they caught fire, or blew up the microwave, or somthing. we sckip 2 period.

and thats the bhs drama week. i wonder if it will continue... i hope not.

today i was on the bus, writeing the epolog to my novle, because i had an idea ()i jump around quite a bit) and when i look up...not only did i miss my stop, at then end of the line, (sorta) on grizzly peak, about to leave berekely. the driver lets me off, and i turn around, and then it hits me. im lost. so i go in the gernarl direction of my house , and i'm still lost, no clue where i am, and my phones dead, and i'm argueing with my self, im lost, no im not , yes i am, no im not, and finaly i get to wear i sorta-kinda know where i am, and i get home ok. thats it for now...
oh, wait.
i read a very good book to day, called 'golden and grey, the story of an unremarkable boy and a rather remarkable ghost' it was very funny, and exciting. and it had a happy ending. i love happy endings.
although bitter-sweet endings are ok. but not really sad ones, like romeo and juliette. ugg, no. now, if say, juliette died saving romeo's life or vice versa, and DID NOT KILL THEMSELFS after ward, then i might like it. maybe.
anyway, more later

1 comment:

Q said...

I love Romeo and Juliet. We read it last year in English--SO good. A bit infuriating, yes, but very good.