Saturday, September 27, 2008


happy, happy, happy!
where do i begin?
ok, so on friday, we had AUDITIONS
not for a school play, or talent show, no, for something even better,
the Berkeley Rep's Yellow Jacket showcase!
let me explain.
a few weeks ago, my class went to see the play, Yellow Jackets.
on Monday, there is a Showcase, at the Berkeley Rep, at noon( i think..or 12:15)
for responses to the play- scenes, monologues,poems, songs, ect.
lots of BHS students will be in it.
each class gets seven minutes- so we had to pick, who, out of my drama class, would represent us.
well, my teacher did.
they picked 4 of us.
i feel so happy.
i'll be preforming my poem 'Did You Know'
it's about how people see me based on things they know-how i look, where i live, ect, and how i respond to it.
oh, i am very happy.
and my site has 16 members now!(i want to make it to 20 by haloween. JOIN already! or tell a friend who might want to. pretty please?)
and i'm writing down all the ideas i've had for stories that i've scraped- that's all of them, besides SOD.
because in 20 years i might think, "hey, i can make something out of that story idea  now-what was that did that song go?" and i can look it up in  Absolute, Complete and Utter Randomness. and find the basic plot, thoughts for climaxes, character profiles and any Prophecies or songs that may be included.
plus i'm abount to begin reading "ECLIPES"
no, not THAT eclipes, don't even think i would TOUCH that book again, much less READ it, much less be HAPPY about reading it! no, no, no!
ECLIPES, by erin hunter- book 5 of 'Warriors: the power of three'
you know, i've read books with either the title, series title or subtitle 'the power of one, 'the power of two', and 'the power of  three.'
maybe i should write 'the power of four. hrmm...j/k

but anyway, i am very thrilled- and a bit nervouse- about this latest warriors book. i mean, the proluge was very forboding, and tcm rather spoiled something for me-something that worries me very much!
but i supose i should just read the dratted thing, and then i'll know. still, im in the middle of about 5 books just now
east- english
rise of a hero- sari recomended it, and irs great
lord of the flies- for english
the bar code rebelion- put on hold because i realized its a book 2, and i don't have acsess to the first
pretties- i just read 'uglies and must find out what happens next!
and i'm reading 'shadow theives' to mom, though we are almost done.
AND dad says i can move into my new room tomorrow! YAYAYAYAYA!
anyway, more later


Patricia said...

Congratulations! Yeah a million times! Did you send me that poem? I can't be there, so send me what you are reading/performing.


Karen said...

I liked East a lot--enough that I gave to to a couple of my teaching friends for birthdays. Congrats on being chosen! woohoo!

Jeni said...

Very very cool! But I won't make a big deal out of this, I promise. I know how you don't like attention drawn to you.... ;)