Friday, October 3, 2008

and a meow to you too.

10 pts to anyone who can tell me: what book that came from
and who said it! ha, sweert revenge!
my poem went awsome, i had for subs on tusday, wensday was awful, but lets not dwell, yesterday- what happend?
and now: today.
nothing much to say. one quote, from genun.
discusing shakespear, and wether or not he wrote 'his plays' with mr mike, genun breaks in
' of course he wrote them! if he says he wrote them, then he did, just like i wrote the bible'
this struck me as funny!
other funnyness:
1. anyone who has not, go right this second and read sarah beth dursts blog- section 'obscuye fairy tales- its so worth it. link is to you left.
2. bubber stickers!
i saw a great one this morning-"Buckle up... it makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car'

anyway, more later


Q said...

Oh! I remember that book! Ack! I just can't remember what it is...

AnnaDee said...

think Shannon Hale- but remembering the book is only half the battle. :)

Jeni said...

That would be Enna from Shannon Hale's beloved book, The Goose Girl.

What's my prize?? :)

AnnaDee said...

jeni: you finished it?
how was princess academy?
eeeiii! so excited.
(i'll see you sunday!)