Sunday, September 21, 2008

i pity those who are normal.....

.....because being nuts and sillyand random is so much fun!my book review website,, just got its 14th member. this please me.
and yesterday was the berkely ward mormon church's anual new member dinner and men's cook off!
mr. mike, seminary teacher extrondinar, made home made ice cream in four awsome flavors. he lobbyed hard, getting me and a freind to pass out promo stickers 'a taset we can believe in' and 'desert first'
on the cups he used were cute slogans. my fave?
'Obama promises change.
mcCain promises change.
i promise ICE CREAM'
no, more than that,
ha! say that five times fast!
bet you only emmza knows what it means!

abnyway, today, i gave a talk during church, about girls camp! agg! i hate giving talks.
not because i'm shy or anything, or that i don't like talking, but because...
i don't like praise.
i mean it!
everyone all'that was great' or 'i loved your talk' and i turn red and want to die!
it drives me nuts.
thats one reason i won't let my dad read my story, sod(dotw has, btw, been indefinetly postponed, due to lack of ideas)
because when he read the first half page, he was 'all this is great', and i hated it!
maybe i'm just afraid that i'll get a big ego. maybe its already too big.
but i hate complements on things i say or write or do!
is this normal? or, should i say, common? or am i alone in this strange dislike of praise.
on to other stuff: mom and i are done reading 'dragon flight' and are now reading 'the shadow theives' by anne ursu. visit my book review site for a review. heck, visit the site anyway, join, and post something. im bored!
anyway, i finnished my math homework(anyone here know what a spiralateral is? no one?)
and read the first chapter of 'lord of the flies' for english. ick! i hate it already!
ur on an island for less than a day and already youv'e got a leader and are making fun of the fat one! shame on you!
even the kids from 'island' lasted longer than that! course, they already had spent a week on a small ship and already almost died together, but still! maybe it's because it was only six people, and it wasn't all boys. huh/ must think/ponder on this.

that reminds me.
we were discussing, out of a list of made up ppl, who we'd want on a deserted island with us. no one in my group knew what a botanist was! starclan that is sad!
after i had expained to my group who we'd want and why, this one guy looks at the others and is all 'who wants to bet she could survive on a desserted island'?
i don't know if that should make me feel good or bad, but i feel good, so i'll leave it like that.
so anyway, more later!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Yikes Anna... I am glad I read your blog, cause I was one of the idiots that was praising you for your great talk and poem. Should I just ignore it next time? But then you'll think that I don't care...Man, this is a tough one!