Friday, August 29, 2008

the first week, over!

as i ride my bike down grizzly peak, faster than the wind to my house, i keep repeating a single line..two words really, from Shannon Hale's, The Goose Girl." Glory, Glory."
speaking of which, i freaking love that book.

anyway, so today is friday, and as i'm in high school, it was, you guessed it, FRESHMEN FRIDAY!" for those of you that don't know what that is, thats just sad. ask someone who's a freshie or was a freshi in recent times.

so i'm about to be late for a class, and these hulking senior guys are totally blocking the hall. now, i'm not tall. i'm short. and kinda..little, though not as small as some, thank goodness. so...they thought i was a freshi!
so i'm like, 'can u move? i'm gonna b late." because of course, my next class is on the other side of the freaking campus.
and there like " its a freshman! get the eegs' so i'm all, wth?
so i say" for the freaking tenth time today, im a sophmore! do you need to see my freaking id card?"
and there all , "oops" and let me i call over my shoulder, just to perster them " and its not freshmen, its freshperson. be pc dudes!" and run. very fast... and just as i walk in to drama, the bell rings. mission accomplished.

so my first week, all in all, has been ok. i love  English class, as usual, and history has some promise. my mat class is in the morning, so i should be awake, after seminary. oh! soon i'll be a team blogger on the new, Berkeley ward earl;y morning seminary blog! if and when mr. mike sends me the link.


uh....tonite i'm going to hang with my cousins and have a sleepover, and it is gonna fully rock! i love being with them, it makes me happy and not sad, and despite the happy tone of blog lately, i'm still a slightly depressed person... mostly because i miss summer and because i've grown apart from most of my friends, and i've just been melancholy for no reason. anyway....
thats all i have to say on this topic.

umm..... this is going to be a rather long post, isn't it? so i want more people to join my book review site and be active... and i finished reading miracle girls, and man, it had a great ending! i cried!!!!! i had never read the last part of vol. 9, and..i cried! it was soo beautiful and cheesy, but still i cried! so anyway, i'm also being very active on Y!A, (for those of you that don't know, thats Yahoo! Answers,) and racking up points! jsyk, on y!a, users ask questions, answers Q's and get points. its a help others thing. let me tell you, i've gotten sooo much info from it!
tomorrow is tyhe scotish games! its going to be a gazillion degrees, but should be fun!(if any of you blog readers that i know(no blog stalkers welcome, thank you!) visit the clan Rose tent. mom'll be running it and i'll be in and out. see you at the fair! oh yum, meat pies, fish&chips, nougat, carmel, mars bars,churros, i can smell them already!
fun fack* i got the idea for how Sondra, the faerie prophetess in  SOD, looks from i tee shirt i saw there.
i wish it was foggy...
random thought of the day. sooo
in english, the teacher told us to make a small pioster with a picture of ourselfs and a quote. i used one of pe with Little Bird on my head(i'll blog about him later) from about 2 years ago, or 3. the quote is' in life, don't rush. take a moment to stop and look up. you might be suprized by what's up there." she thought it was very funny.
*bursts into song*
and don't you wish you knew what i was singing.
its called "rain." and i wrote it, its mine, mine, mine!

so anyway, more later


Vincent Malmrose said...

need more be said....

Jeni said...

Oh Anna, I haven't seen you in forever and I miss you! So glad to hear that the first week went 'okay' (is it safe to say that yet?) Stupid Freshman Friday, you totally look like a sophomore, those idiots!!

So I just picked up Princess Academy by Shannon Hale, the same author as Goose Girl, I am going to read Princess Academy first and then Goose Girl, did you like these books??

Can't wait to see you on Sunday....

Anonymous said...

jeni, i LOVE Shannon hales books! goose girl, princess academy and book of a thousand days are my faves!
see you sunday!