Thursday, January 17, 2008


so im a mormon. and, because i'm a high school student, i get to go to-yay!(not)-seminary
that means i get up at 5:00 am to go to a church class monday through friday. not fun.
my twin brother sleeps the whole thing through i however, must have had too much hot chocolate, because i was very crazy. i have fun at seminary though, because those of us who are AWAKE, namely me, and my friends, genun and his brother zary, discuss wacky facts and questions sometimes not so relevent to the topic, much to the anoyance of Mr. Mike, our teacher.
but still.
today we were suposed to talk about Joshua. insead, the subject of a pure world, and dead hamsters came up. don't ask.
but all in all, its a regular laugh fest.
more later.


Vincent Malmrose said...

Thanks for naming us as you did, BTW how did the dead hampsters in your heaters come up?

AnnaDee said...

ask was either layna or mr. mike.....and its HAMSTERS, not hamPsters!