Thursday, January 17, 2008

after my sugar rush....oh oh!

so, i had a not so healthy lunch. a soda and a candy bar, and a ham sandwich. plus a bag of chips.
so I'm a bit hyper, cause sugar kills my normal hyperness, so I'm less hyper than normal. most ppl do not see me as hyper as i can be. only my cousins, emmza and laralu, have seen my as hyper as i can be!

i just finished a very good trilogy, the door with in, by WT Baston.
i have to return them to my friend, shayla, but i plan on getting my own copies soon.

as ben franklin once said
'if you would rather not be forgotten, as soon as you are rotten, then write things worth the reading, or do things worth the writing.'
i suspect i will fall under that first catagory, but i wish i would be in the second.

another quote i rather like is this

'adventures are funny things
they always begin with the unexpected
but they always end with the promise
of adventures yet to come'

now that makes one think!
more later!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

I love those quotes Anna. You will be able to do great things with all the knowledge you have acquired from books!