Wednesday, March 5, 2008

i've been depressing lately, haven't i?

most of my recent posts have been sad and whiny. so, here are some rather funny, life lesions.

don't drink grape juice while in a white shirt in a car.

dropping your cellphone in a bathtub, pool, or other body of water, while it contains water, will kinda kill your phone

your mother/father WILL find out if you die your hair purple

milk crate make really dull and boring pets.

if it hurts, DON'T DO IT AGAIN

that which does not kill you will make you just might take a while

all that is gold doesn't glisten. by the same token, all that glistens isn't gold.

when in doubt, duck. when certain, don't bother cause you're already done for.

while driving a car through a gate MAKE SURE THE GATE IS OPEN!

NEVER peirce your belly button in the dark

if your teacher tells you to quit talkingafter a test or s/he'll give you a zero, s/he means it. really.

if you can laugh at yourself, you're gonna be fine

hair is flamable. Very flamable.

sticking things up your nose is not the smartest thing in the world to do.

don't juggle knives unless you are really, really good at it.

you WILL get caught if you set off fireworks in your basement.

these are just a few, rather funny life lessions. have a great day world!
anyway, more later.

1 comment:

Vincent Malmrose said...

A funny edit of #6 is
If it doesn't kill you it can only help you, harm you, or permanently maim/cripple you for life
also your parents wouldn't notice if you died you hair purple if they were gone for a few weeks
Hair is not very flammable... If you ever heard about the Darwin awards one is a girl was trying to dry her hair with a lighter while in her car at a stop light. It was with a freaking lighter!
If you have never heard of the Darwin awards you must check them out. They are funny circumstances that stupid people have been in, often they end in death.
A good example would be three girls were sniffing lighter fluid in a small bathroom and one lighted a lighter. The girls ran straight out into the arms of police men, they were sniffing lighter fluid in a police station... need more be said.
Another would be a guy was posing nude for his camera when he fell 16 feet off the wall. His camera however stayed safe on the wall and was not damaged.
Finally a guy managed to get his untrained friend to perform liposuction on him in their garage. A bit to cheap this time eh? The friend offered an apology to the family when the guy died.