Wednesday, July 1, 2009

of Fridays, Robots, German Unicorns and Demon Stalker Ninja Squirrels

now, i ask myself, what is the point of me promising to write more often if i don't?
i kept meaning to blog, but then i was distracted by some really great fanfics, both of the digimon and the transformers variety. there is a list of faves located in my ff profile( hedgi naysomay aisling)

on to the promised subjects!
last Friday, Genun and i went to see the new Transformers movie- and it was spectacular. lots of action, romance, places that look really cool( like Petra, which i think is even cooler than pyramids, so there)some unanswered questions answered at long last, new questions formed, great plot, a set up for a third film, and of course, because no action/sci fi flick is complete without- explosions. does this say bad things about me? i'm fairy certain it does :)
before the movie Genun and i hug out at teen Games( at the local library) where we tied for last place in Apples to Apples- it was very fun. my fave part was when the green card was 'sexy', and low and behold, what was in my hand but 'vampires'! not that i think vampires are sexy, but hey, i won the card, didn't i? on the subject of which, next post i have some Anti-Twilight limericks.

then we got crepes and wantons, and saw the movie- during which my bike, my beloved, if cheap, small and heavy bike was stolen. a blessing in disguise, really, because now i can get a bike that i can ride without kneeing myself in the nose every time i pedal- anyway- then we got ice cream, and that was my awesome friday.

as most of you know i am a Fantasy Freak, and thus have a deep love for unicorns! as a kid, my fave book was 'Sarah's Unicorn'( by, and i olny just discovered this- none other than Bruce Coville!) my fave movie was 'the last unicorn', follwed by my litle pony( because most of them were unicorns. keep in mind, i'm at that moment like 5- unicorns were my life)
even now, if you look at my colection of fantasy it is like this- dragon, unicorn, fairy tale- unicon, dragon,dragon, unicorn, fairy tale, fairy tale, fablehaven, unicorn, unicorn..... and on and on. well, i also have a deep love of 'the last unicorn's soundtrack, and when i got my MP3, i was happy- i could finaly get the songs! only sone of the best ones, like 'walking Man's Road' and 'In the Sea' arn't avablable online... so i looked every where for the CD. as it turns out, it ONLY came out in GERMANY!!! the lyrics are still in English, but.. so i ordered it on Amazon, and it came to day- "Das Letzte Einhorn". i have already listend to it 2 times.

yesderday, Genun and i met for ice cream, and sat out under a larhge tree on the campus green, just talking and jokeing.. when a SQUIRREL came out of nowhere, perched inches from our heads on the tre. we told it to shoo, but the thing just wouldnt, so we moved to a differnt tree. it followed us, begging for food..and it kept following us, darting around like a little ninja! it was cute and all, but it i mean, it IS a wild animal, and it just would not leave us be! we finaly diched the trees, and it still came very close until i made a demon-be-gone cross with my fingers, out of fun.. and only then did it leave.. i feel certain it was watching us though.. nut-for-brains little guy!

well, there is a little fawn outside right now, so i am going to end my postso i came stare at it and say 'awwww, cute!' every few minutes.


Vincent Malmrose said...

Deers are cute. I definitely had fun Friday and Tuesday. But the squirrel was odd. I chased a squirrel once and their fast. To have one start stalking me and sitting right above my head... Its a little freaky when you can hand feed it cookies.

Anonymous said...

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