Tuesday, November 4, 2008

today history was made

today, oh today!

first off- yeah, i'm a bad blogger. i'll catch you all up on the glories and sorrows of my life later- next week.
but oh, today history was made! at 8:15, Pacific time, McCain conceded. tonight, America has a new President, Barack Obama.
the First Black President of the United States of America.
Glory be!
i hope you all( 18 and over) voted. because each vote means something- particularly on the props.
oh boy- the props.
prop 8...well. it looks like it will pass. i can't believe it, but it might.this makes me sad
so i'm Mormon. and Mormons are taught that homosexuality is a sin. but this is a point where the Church and i just don't see eye to eye. i'm not for homosexuality, not against.
it is my dogma that everyone is equal in the eyes of God, darn it, and no one should have different rights based on who they are. God created every one- He is the Father of us all, and by golly!
if you don't like gay marriage- then don't have one! but why deny the rights of others? if it make that much of a difference- we ought to give it its own name- don't call it marriage, if that's what bugs you. but the rights need to remain the same, for all. thats my take on it.
so yeah. today was a day that will go down in history. and tomorrow, i will wear a blue toga, be cause it's spirit week and tomorrow's toga day.
anyway, more later

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